Periodical Portal

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Periodical Portal

There were over 200 Buddhist periodicals published in China from 1850 to 1950. These publications were an important means of communication among people interested in Buddhism, a conduit for new ideas, debates and controversies, and information about the wider world of Buddhist culture.

Many periodical issues have been made available in two multi-volume reprint editions: The Mínguó fójiào qíkān wénxiàn jíchéng 民國佛教期刊文獻集成 (MFQ) and its supplement the MFQB. See the MFQ Guide for more information on the provenance of these resources.

We are currently working on 52 periodical articles. This list can be ordered by index number, title, or by the date of first issue, and includes periodicals that appear in the MFQ and MFQB collections but which do not yet have an article here.

Gregory Adam Scott is the Periodical section editor.

Index[1] Name Date of First Issue Locations of Publication and Notes
001佛學叢報 Fóxué cóngbào (Buddhist Miscellany)1912Shànghǎi 上海
002佛教月報 Fójiào yuèbào (Buddhist Monthly)1913Shànghǎi 上海
003覺社叢書 Juéshè cóngshū (Awakening Society Collectanea)1918Shànghǎi 上海; Became Hǎicháo yīn in January, 1920
004新佛教 Xīn fójiào (New Buddhism)1920
005佛學旬刊 Fóxué xùnkān (Buddhism Weekly)1920?
006佛心叢刊 Fóxīn cóngkān (Buddhist Mind Collectanea)1922
007內學 Nèixué (Inner Studies)1923Nánjīng 南京
008大雲 Dàyún (Great Cloud)1924Shàoxīng 紹興
009佛音 Fóyīn (Buddhist Sound)1923?
010新佛化旬刊 Xīnfóhuà xùnkān (New Buddhistic Weekly)1922
011佛光 Fóguāng (Buddhist Light)1923
012佛化新青年 Fóhuà xīn qīngnián (The Young Men's Buddhistic Monthly)1923Hànkǒu 漢口, later Běijīng 北京
013佛化世界 Fóhuà shìjiè (Buddhist World)1923
014世界佛教居士林林刊 Shìjiè Fójiào jūshìlín línkān (Magazine of the World Buddhist Lay Association)1926[2]Shànghǎi 上海
015佛光社社刊 Fóguāngshè shèkān (Journal of the Buddhist Light Society)1927
016(成都)佛化旬刊 (Buddhism Weekly (Chengdu))1926
017頻伽音隨刊 Pínqié yīn suíkān (Kalaviṇka’s Cry Occasional)1930Guǎngzhōu 廣州
018頻伽音半月刊 Pínqiéyīn bànyuèkān (Kalaviṇka’s Cry Monthly)1926
019頻伽音 Pínqiéyīn (Kalaviṇka’s Cry)1926?
020仁智林叢刊 Rénzhìlín cóngkān (Humanity and Wisdom Society Collectanea)1926
021佛化周刊 Fóhuà zhōukān (Buddhist Weekly)1925Tàizhōu 泰州, Jiāngsū 江蘇
022佛學月刊 Fóxué yuèkān (Buddhism Monthly)1921
023佛學月刊(北平) Fóxué yuèkān (Buddhism Monthly - Beiping Publication)1941Běijīng 北京
024楞嚴特刊 Léngyán tèkān (Śūraṃgama Special Issue)1926?
025中國佛教會公報 Zhōngguó fójiàohuì gōngbào (Official Bulletin of the Chinese Buddhist Association)1929
026東方文化 Dōngfāng wénhuà (Eastern Culture)1926Shànghǎi 上海
027弘法社刊 Hóngfǎ shèkān (Periodical of the Dharma Propagation Society)1928Níngbō 寧波, later Yúnnán 雲南
028佛化策進會會刊 Fóhuà cèjìnhuì huìkān (Journal of the Society for the Advancement of Buddhism)1927
029三覺叢刊 Sānjué cóngkān (Three Enlightenments Collectanea)1926
030弘慈佛學院年刊 Hóngcí fóxuéyuàn niánkān (Hongci Seminary Yearbook)1930?
031佛化隨刊 Fóhuà suíkān (Buddhistic Occasional)1929?
032北平佛化月刊 Běiping fóhuà yùkān (Beiping Buddhistic Monthly)1933?
033佛學月報 Fóxué yuèbào (Buddhism Monthly)1925Hànyáng 漢陽, Húběi 湖北
034正覺 (True Awakening)1930
035西藏班禪駐京辦公處月刊 (Beijing Office of the Tibetan Panchen Lama Monthly)1929
036威音月刊 Wēiyīn yuèkān (Mighty Sound Monthly)1930Shànghǎi 上海
037四川佛教團體電請政府改定寺廟管理條例特刊 (Special Publication on Sichuan Buddhist Groups Requesting by Telegraph that the Government Amend the Rules Governing Temples)19??
038大佛學報 (The Great Buddhist Journal)1930
039宜昌居士林林刊 (Association Journal of the Yichang Lay Buddhist Association)1936?
040中日密教 (Sino-Japanese Esotericism)1934
041佛學周刊‧新報 (Buddhist Weekly - New Edition)1935?
042蓮漏聲 (Sound of the Dripping Lotus)1939?
043法海波瀾 (Great Waves of the Dharma Sea)1930?
044佛教評論 Fójiào pínglùn (Buddhist Critic)1931
045靈泉通信 (Spirituous Spring Dispatch)19??
046佛學半月刊 Fóxué bànyuèkān (Buddhism Semimonthly)1930Shànghǎi 上海
047佛學書局圖書 (Library of the Buddhist Publishing House)1937?
048渡舟月報 (Ship of Salvation Monthly))1937
049淨宗月刊 Jìngzōng yuèkān (Pure [Land] School Monthly)1948Wēiyuǎn 威遠, Sìchuān 四川
050覺迷 (Awakening Perplexity)1947?
051內院雜刊 (Inner Hall Miscellany)19??Nánjīng 南京, Chinese Inner Studies Institute 支那內學院
052學僧天地 (Learned Monastic World)1948
053四川佛教月刊 Sìchuān fójiào yuèkān (Sichuan Buddhist Monthly)1926Chénggdū 成都
054正信 Zhèngxìn (Right Faith)1932Hànkǒu 漢口; Also published as Zhèngxìn zhōukān 正信周刊 and Zhèngxìn kàngzhàn bànyuèkān 正信抗戰半月刊
055正信週刊 (Right Faith Weekly)1936Continuation of Right Faith (#054)
056佛學出版界[3] Fóxué chūbǎn jiè (Buddhist Publishing World)1932Shànghǎi 上海
057佛教雜志 (Buddhist Magazine)1934
058佛教居士林特刊 (Buddhist Lay Association Special Publication)1933?
059現代僧伽 Xiàndài sēngqié (Modern Sangha)1928Minnan Buddhist Seminary 閩南佛學院, later Cháozhōu 潮州
060現代佛教 (Modern Buddhism)1932?
061密教講習錄 (Record of Lectures on Esotericism)19??
062人海燈 Rén hǎidēng (Altar-Lamp of Humanity)1933Published in Xiàmén 廈門, Hong Kong 香港 and Shànghái 上海
063覺社年刊 (Awakening Society Yearly)1934?
064三教月刊 (Three Teachings Monthly)1935
065勸世文刊 (Literature to Exhort the World)1936?
066北平佛教會月刊 Běipíng fójiàohuì yuèkān (Běipíng Buddhist Association Monthly)1935Běijīng 北京
067山西佛教雜誌 Shānxī Fójiào zázhì (Shanxi Buddhist Magazine)1934
068雍和宮導觀所刊物 (Items Published by the Caretakers of the Yonghe Temple)1934
069報恩佛學院院刊 (Journal of the Bao'en Buddhist Seminary)1936?
070淨土宗月刊 (Pure Land School Monthly)1935?
071中國佛教會報 (Periodical of the Chinese Buddhist Association)1936?
072佛化 (Buddhism)1933
073佛教與佛學 Fójiào yǔ Fóxué (Buddhism and Buddhist)1935Singapore
074守生報 (Guarding Life)1935?
075護生報觀音專刊 (Protecting Life - Special Edition on Guanyin)1935?
076護生報 (Protecting Life)1935?
077佛海燈 (Lamp of the Buddha Sea)1935?
078佛教圖書館報告 (Report of the Buddhist Library)1936
079佛光季刊 (Buddha-Light Quarterly)1949
080漢藏教理院立案文件彙編 (Collection of Registered Documents for the Sino-Tibetan Institute)1936
081日華佛教 (Sino-Japanese Buddhism)1936
082同願學報 (Common Vow Studies)1940
083慈航畫報 (Ship of Compassion Illustrated)1933?
084人間覺 Rénjiān jué (Humanistic Awakening)1936Xiàmén 廈門
085佛教公論 (Public Opinion on Buddhism)1936
086蓮社會刊 (Lotus Society)1934
087大生報 (Great Life)1936
088中國佛教學院年刊 (Chinese Institute for Buddhist Studies Yearly)19??
089微妙聲 (Subtle Voice)1936Běijīng 北京 by the Bodhi Study Society 菩提學會
090護院特刊 (Special Edition on Hùyuàn)1936
091覺津雜志 (Ferry of Awakening Magazine)1936
092佛話新聞 (Buddha's Speech News)1942?
093東亞佛教青年呼聲 (The Call of East Asian Buddhist Youth)1938
094佛教女眾 (Buddhist Women's Sangha)1937
095佛教季刊 (Buddhism Quarterly)1937
096羅漢菜雜誌 Luóhàn cài zázhì (Arhat’s Food Magazine)1939Shànghǎi 上海
097覺有情 Jué yǒuqíng (Bodhisattva)1939Shànghǎi 上海
098華南覺音 (South China Voice of Awakening)1938
099晨鐘 (Sound the Bell)1939
100同願 Tóng yuàn (Common Vow)1940Běijīng 北京
101西北佛教週報 (Northwest Buddhism Weekly)1940
102佛化評論 (Buddhist Criticism)1940
103覺音 Juéyīn (Voice of Awakening)1939Two publications appeared under this name, one in Hong Kong 香港 and one in Macao 澳門
104華北宗教年鑑 (Almanac of North China Religion)1941
105獅子吼月刊 (Lion's Roar Monthly)1940
106獅吼月刊 (Lion's Roar Monthly)1948
107人間佛教 Rénjiān Fójiào (Humanistic Buddhism)1947Singapore 新加坡
108蓮池會聞 (Lotus Pond Assembly News)1941
109大雄(四川) (Great Hero (Sìchuān))1942
110大雄(陜西) (Great Hero (Shǎnxī))1948
111妙法輪 (Discourse on the Wonderous Dharma)1943
112佛教文藝 (Buddhist Literature and Arts)1943
113中國佛教季刊 (Chinese Religion Quarterly)1943
114弘化月刊 Hónghuà yuèkān (Spreading the Teaching Monthly)1941Shànghǎi 上海
115中流[4] Zhōngliú (Midstream)1947Published in Zhènjiāng 鎮江
116文教叢刊 Wénjiào cóngkān (Culture and Education Monograph Series)1945Nèijiāng 內江, Sìchuān 四川
117陪都慈雲寺僧侶救護隊紀念刊 (Memorial Edition for the Monastic Rescue Squad of Ciyun Temple in the War-time Capital)1945
118覺群週報 Juéqún zhōubào (Awakening the Multitude Weekly News)1946Shànghǎi 上海
119圓音月刊 (Buddha's Voice[5] Monthly)1947
120覺訊月刊 Juéxùn yuèkān (Awakening News Monthly)1947Shànghǎi 上海
121世間解 (Worldly Salvation)1947
122臺灣佛教 (Taiwanese Buddhism)1947Not to be confused with the 台灣佛教 published in 1941 (see #127)
123慈航月刊 (Ship of Compassion Monthly)1947
124佛教文摘 Fójiào wénzhāi (Buddhist Digest)1947Wúxí 無錫, Jiāngsū 江蘇
125佛教人間 Fójiào rénjiān (Buddhist Humanity)1950?Singapore
126閩南佛學院 (期刊) (Mǐnnán Buddhist Seminary)1943
127南瀛佛教 Nányíng Fójiào (South Seas Buddhism)1923Also known as South Seas Buddhist Association News (南瀛佛教會會報 1923 - January 1930) and Taiwanese Buddhism (台灣佛教 February 1941 - December 1941)
128中道 Zhōngdào (Middle Way)1923Táizhōng 台中, Táiwān 台灣
129淨業月刊 (Pure Karma Monthly)1926
130四川佛教旬刊 (Sìchuān Buddhism Weekly)1925?
131暹羅佛教叢譚 (Collected Discourses on Siamese Buddhism)19??
132佛化新聞[6] Fóhuà xīnwén (Buddhist News)1927Chóngqìng 重慶, moved to Chéngdū 成都 in 1939
133世界佛教居士林課程規約 (Course Outline for the World Buddhist Lay Association)19??
134法雨月報 (Dharma Rain Monthly)1931
135漳州南山學校校刊 (School Journal of the Zhāngzhōu Nánshān School)1928
136鄞縣佛教會會刊 (Journal of the Yín County Buddhist Association)1934
137喜報 (Good News)19??
138慧燈月刊 (Lamp of Wisdom Monthly)1942?
139敬佛月刊 (Respecting the Buddha Monthly)1935
140觀宗概況 (Report on the Guānzōng [School])1936?
141大乘月刊 (Mahāyāna Monthly)1939?
142無錫佛教淨業社年刊 (Wúxī Buddhist Pure Karma Society Annual)1937
143鴻嗷輯 (Cry of the Starving)1934
144息灾專刊 (Special Edition on Disaster Relief)1928?
145天津佛教居士林林刊 (Journal of the Tiānjīn Lay Buddhist Association)1928?
146南詢集 (Collection of Southern Inquiries)[7]1935
147莫干山蓮社特刊 (Special Edition on the Mògān Mountain Lotus Society)1937
148山西佛教月刊 (Shānxī Buddhism Monthly)1929
149佛教書局圖書目錄 (Index of Books by Buddhist Publishers)1930?
150海潮音 Hǎicháo yīn (Sound of the Sea Tide)1920Shànghǎi, Hángzhōu, Běijīng, Hánkǒu, Wǔchāng, Chóngqìng, Nánjīng; Originally published as Juéshè cóngshū 覺社叢書 in 1918
151佛化 (The Decadal Edition is Buddhism)[8]1921Shànghǎi 上海; See also the later periodical of the same name (#072)
152佛學匯刊 (Collectanea of Buddhism)1923Shànghǎi 上海; Only two issues published
153宏化特刊 (Special Edition on Vast Conversion)1922Shànghǎi 上海
154班禪東來記 (Record of the Panchen Lama's Visit to the East)1925Shànghǎi 上海
155(武昌)佛學院第一班同學錄 (Record of the First Class of the (Wǔchāng) Buddhist Seminary)1924
156臺灣佛教新報 (Taiwanese Buddhist News)1925Táiběi 臺北
157蘇城隱貧會旬刊 (Weekly Publication of the Sūzhōu Association for the Poor)1925Sūzhōu 蘇州
158蘇城隱貧會旬刊匯編 (Collected Articles from the Weekly Publication of the Sūzhōu Association for the Poor)1926Sūzhōu 蘇州
159覺社叢書選本 (Selected Writings from the Awakening Society Collectanea)1925?Wǔchāng 武昌
160(上海)佛化旬刊 (Buddhist Weekly (Shànghǎi))1925Shànghǎi 上海
161佛化季刊 (Buddhist Quarterly)1925Cháoān 潮安? - Single Issue
162世界佛教居士林勸募基金會特刊 (Special Publication from the Fund-raising Committee of the World Lay Buddhist Association)1925Shànghǎi 上海
163迦音社周刊 (The Buddha's Voice Society Weekly)1925Hángzhōu 杭州 - Only one issue (#67) in MFQB
164金光明法會特刊 (Special Publication of the Jīnguāngmíng Dharma Assembly)1926Tiānjīn 天津 - Single Issue
165新燈 (Light of the Mind)1926Shànghǎi 上海
166中國佛學 (Chinese Buddhism)1928Nánjīng 南京 - Single Issue
167藏民聲涙[9] (Tearful Cry of the Tibetan People)1928Nánjīng 南京 - Single Issue
168晨鐘 (Morning Bell)1927Sūzhōu 蘇州 - Only three issues published
169佛寶旬刊 (Buddha Treasures Weekly)1927Běijīng 北京
170中華民國佛教機關調查錄 (Record of the Investigation into Buddhist Organizations in the Republic of China)1929Tai county 泰縣, Jiāngsū 江蘇 - Only two issues published
171浙江全省佛教會旬(月)刊 (All-Zhèjiāng Buddhist Association Weekly (Monthly))1928Hángzhōu 杭州 - Changed to a monthly in 1929
172化佛造像 (Images of Huàfó)1929Shànghǎi 上海 - Showcases the Buddha images of Qián Sūhàn 錢蘇漢, also called Huàfó 化佛; Only one issue (#1) in MFQB
173慈航 (Raft of Compassion)1929Shànghǎi 上海 - Only one issue (#2) in MFQB
174鐘聲 (Sound of the Bell)1930Shànghǎi 上海 - Single Issue
175內院雜刊(佛法非宗教非哲學) (Inner Studies Institute Magazine - Buddhism is Neither Religion Nor Philosophy Edition)1937?Nánjīng? 南京 - Single Issue
176江南九華佛學院院刊 (Publication of the Jiǔhuá, Jiāngnán Buddhist Studies Institute)1931Shànghǎi 上海 - Single Issue
N/A台灣佛教 Táiwān Fójiào (Taiwanese Buddhism)1947Táiběi 台北, Táiwān 台灣
N/A香海佛化刊 Xiānghǎi Fóhuà kān (Fragrant Ocean Buddhist Periodical)1932Hong Kong 香港
N/A廣長舌 Guǎngcháng shé (Broad and Long Tongue)1930Shànghǎi 上海
N/A正覺雜誌 Zhèngjué zázhì (True Enlightenment Magazine)1930Běijīng 北京


  1. This number reflects the first appearance of the periodical in the MFQ collection. Periodicals #151 and higher appear only in the MFQB collection.
  2. Possibly 1923 - see article.
  3. Full name 佛學出版界雜誌
  4. Full name 中流月刊?
  5. See DDB entry on 圓音 for this translation
  6. Full name 佛化新聞周刊?
  7. A reference perhaps to Nánxūnlù 南詢錄 by Déng Huōqú 鄧豁渠, a late-Míng monk-scholar. See [1].
  8. English title from cover of first issue
  9. Title given as 藏民聲泪 in the MFQB index
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