Jueshe congshu 覺社叢書

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Juéshè cóngshū 覺社叢書
Awakening Society Collectanea
  • Short title: Juéshū 覺書
  • Print run: Quarterly; October 10, 1918[1] - October 1919 (issue 5)
  • Other Info: Printed and distributed by Zhōnghuá Books 中華書局; Became Hǎicháo yīn 海潮音 in January, 1920
  • Associated Location(s): Shànghǎi 上海
  • Associated Person(s): Tàixū 太虛, Jiǎng Zuòbīn 蔣作賓, Chén Yuánbái 陳元白, Huáng Bǎocāng 黃葆蒼 (Dàcí 大慈)
  • Associated Organization(s): Awakening Society 覺社

Juéshè cóngshū 覺社叢書 (Awakening Society Collectanea) was one of the earliest Buddhist periodicals in China, and later became Hǎicháo yīn 海潮音 (Voice of the Sea Tide), the longest-running Chinese Buddhist periodical.



Juéshè cóngshū was established as an organ of the Awakening Society 覺社, which had been founded in Shànghǎi in the summer of 1918 by Tàixū 太虛, with help from Shǐ Yīrú 史一如, Chén Yuánbái 陳元白, Jiǎng Zuòbīn 蔣作賓, and Huáng Bǎocāng 黃葆蒼. The group had published two works by Tàixū, Dàoxué lùnhéng 道學論衡 (Discourse on Ethics) and Dàfó díngshǒu léngyánjīng shèlùn 大佛頂首楞嚴經攝論 (Select Commentary on the Śūraṃgama Sūtra).[2] These two publications eventually became the seed for Awakening Society Collectania. It was published quarterly, averaging about 150 pages per issue, and was printed by the Zhōnghuá Book Company 中華書局. It was relatively liberal, and provided an early platform for many of Tàixū's reformist ideas. Topics discussed included literature and explanations of Buddhist terms, and Daoist and Confucian authors were also included.

Print Run

MFQ and MFQB together have reprinted the full run of the periodical:

  • Issue 1 (Oct., 1918)[3] in MFQ 6:357-504
  • Issue 2 (Jan., 1919) in MFQ 7:1-168
  • Issue 3 (April, 1919) in MFQ 7:169-318
  • Issue 4 (July, 1919) in MFQB 1:1-176
  • Issue 5 (Oct., 1919) in MFQB 1:177-332


Based on the table of contents for issue one;[4] some sections do not appear in all issues.

  • Illustrations 插圖
  • Discourses 雅言
  • Criticism 平議
  • Religious Essays 宗論
  • Translations 釋義
  • Miscellaneous Notes 雜記
  • Fiction 小說
  • Writings 文辭
  • Poetry and Verse 詩歌
    • includes short pieces such as letters
  • Questions and Answers 答問
  • Office Matters 錄事


  1. Shì Dōngchū 釋東初. Zhōngguó Fójiào jìndài shǐ 中國佛教近代史 (A History of Early Contemporary Chinese Buddhism), in Dōngchū lǎorén quánjí 東初老人全集 (Complete Collection of Old Man Dongchu), vols. 1-2. Taipei: Dongchu, 1974, 2:1005.
  2. Dōngchū gives incorrect or shortened titles for these two works.
  3. The date is given as 9th month, 2945 BE.
  4. MFQ 6:358


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