Periodical Portal

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== Periodical Articles ==
[[File:MFQ_170_108.png|150px|thumb|right|A list of Buddhist periodicals that appeared in a 1928 issue of ''Hǎicháoyīn'' [[海潮音]]]]
This '''Periodical Portal''' collects information on Buddhist periodicals published in China from [[1913]] to [[1950]].
We are currently working on [[:Category:Periodical|{{PAGESINCATEGORY:Periodical}} periodical articles]]. This list is ordered by the date of their first issue, and includes periodicals that appear in the [[MFQ]] and [[MFQB]] collections but which do not yet have an article here.
== Outline ==
There were over 200 such periodicals; of these, many only appeared for a single issue or a very short run, but many continued to be published over decades. These publications were an important means of communication among people interested in Buddhism, a conduit for new ideas, debates and controversies, and information about the wider world of Buddhist culture.
[[User:Greg|Gregory Adam Scott]] is the section editor for periodical articles.
Many periodical issues have been made available in two multi-volume reprint editions: The ''Mínguó fójiào qíkān wénxiàn jíchéng'' 民國佛教期刊文獻集成 ([[MFQ]]) and its supplement the [[MFQB]]. See the [[MFQ Guide]] for more information on the provenance of these resources.
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellpadding="1" width="100%"
== Periodical Table ==
!width="10%"|Index<ref>Assigned by the Dharma Drum Mountain project</ref>
This table is still a work in progress. For the most part, periodicals that changed their name during the course of their print run are listed under a single title, with other titles noted, as for example with ''Nányíng Fójiào'' [[南瀛佛教]] (South Seas Buddhism). If a periodical underwent significant changes and was reorganized under a different name, then the titles are listed separately, as for example with ''Juéshè cóngshū'' [[覺社叢書]] (Awakening Society Collectanea) and ''Hǎicháo yīn'' [[海潮音]] (Voice of the Sea Tide). English translations of publication titles are descriptive only and not authoritative; if an English title was provided on the publication itself, this is noted.
!width="10%"|Date of First Issue
The place of publication or printing is noted if known. "Single issue" means that only one issue was ever produced. If only a few issues were ever published, or only a small number are currently available in reprint editions, a note is provided to that effect.
!width="40%" class="unsortable"|Locations of Publication and Notes
We are currently working on [[:Category:Periodical|{{PAGESINCATEGORY:Periodical}} periodical articles]]. This list can be ordered alphabetically by pīnyīn title, date of first publication, or by reprint location.<ref>At present there seems to be a bug so you must first click the arrow to sort by name before you can sort by date.</ref>
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellpadding="2" width="100%"
!width="8%"|Dates of Publication
!width="10%"|Reprint Location
!width="30%" class="unsortable"|Place(s) of Publication and Notes
|1||[[佛學叢報]] ''Fóxué cóngbào'' (''Buddhist Miscellany'')||1912||Shànghǎi 上海
|''Fóxué cóngbào'' [[佛學叢報]] (''Buddhist Miscellany'')||1912 - 1914||MFQ 1-4||Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|2||[[佛教月刊]] ''Fójiào yuèkān'' (''Buddhist Monthly'')||1913||Shànghǎi 上海
|''Fójiào yuèbào'' [[佛教月報]]  (''Buddhist Monthly'')||1913||MFQ 5-6|| Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|3||[[覺社叢書]] ''Juéshè cóngshū'' (''Awakening Society Collectania'')||1918||Shànghǎi 上海; Became ''Hǎicháo yīn'' in January, 1920
|''Juéshè cóngshū'' [[覺社叢書]] (''Awakening Society Collectanea'')||1918 - 1919||MFQ 6-7, MFQB 1||Shànghǎi [[上海]]; Also called 覺書
|4||[[新佛教]] ''Xīn fójiào'' (''New Buddhism'')||1920||
|''Xīn Fójiào'' [[新佛教]] (''New Buddhism'')||1920 - 19??||MFQ 7||Níngbō [[寧波]]
|5||[[佛學旬刊]] ''Fóxué xùnkān'' (''Buddhism Weekly'')||1920?||
|''Fóxué xúnkān'' [[佛學旬刊]] (''Buddhism Weekly'')||1922 - 1923?||MFQ 7-8, MFQB 1-2||
|6||[[佛心叢刊]] ''Fóxīn cóngkān'' (''Buddhist Mind Collectania'')||1922||
|''Fóxīn cóngkān'' [[佛心叢刊]] (''Buddhist Mind Collectanea'')||1922 - 19??||MFQ 8||
|7||[[內學]] ''Nèixué'' (''Inner Studies'')||1923||Nánjīng 南京  
|''Nèixué'' [[內學]] (''Inner Studies'')||1923 - 1928||MFQ 8-10|| Nánjīng [[南京]]
|8||[[大雲]] ''Dàyún'' (''Great Cloud'')||1926?||
|''Dàyún'' [[大雲]] (''Great Cloud'')||1924 - 1929?||MFQ 11, 137-139||Shàoxīng [[紹興]]
|9||[[佛音]] ''Fóyīn'' (''Buddhist Sound'')||1923?||
|''Fóyīn'' [[佛音]] (''Buddhist Sound'')||1923? - 19??||MFQ 11, 145||
|10||[[新佛化旬刊]] ''Xīnfóhuà xùnkān'' (''New Buddhistic Weekly'')||1922||
|''Xīnfóhuà xùnkān'' [[新佛化旬刊]] (''New Buddhistic Weekly'')||1922 - 1923?||MFQ 11||
|11||[[佛光]] ''Fóguāng'' (''Buddhist Light'')||1923||
|''Fóguāng'' [[佛光]] (''Buddhist Light'')||1923 - 19??||MFQ 12||
|12||[[佛化新青年]] ''Fóhuà xīn qīngnián'' (''The Young Men's Buddhistic Monthly'')||1923||Hànkǒu 漢口, later Běijīng 北京
|''Fóhuà xīn qīngnián'' [[佛化新青年]] (''The Young Men's Buddhistic Monthly'')||1923 - 1924||MFQ 13-14||Hànkǒu [[漢口]], later Běijīng [[北京]]
|13||[[佛化世界]] ''Fóhuà shìjiè'' (''Buddhist World'')||1923
|''Fóhuà shìjiè'' [[佛化世界]] (''Buddhist World'')||1923 - 19??||MFQ 14||
|14||[[世界佛教居士林林刊]] ''Shìjiè Fójiào jūshìlín línkān'' (''Magazine of the World Buddhist Lay Association'')||1926<ref>Possibly 1923 - see article.</ref>||Shànghǎi 上海
|''Shìjiè Fójiào jūshìlín línkān'' [[世界佛教居士林林刊]] (''Magazine of the World Buddhist Lay Association'')||1923 - 1937||MFQ 14-16, 141-143||Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|15||[[佛光社社刊]] ''Fóguāngshè shèkān'' (''Journal of the Buddhist Light Society'')||1927||
|''Fóguāngshè shèkān'' [[佛光社社刊]] (''Journal of the Buddhist Light Society'')||1927 - 1932?||MFQ 16-17||
|16||[[佛化旬刊]] ''Fóhuà xùnkān'' (''Buddhism Weekly'')||1926?||
|''Fóhuà xúnkān'' [[佛化旬刊(成都)]] (''Buddhism Weekly (Chéngdū)'')||1926? - 1928?||MFQ 17||Also indexed as 四川佛化旬刊, later became [[四川佛教月刊]]
|17||[[頻伽音隨刊]] ''Pínqié yīn suíkān'' (''Kalaviṇka’s Cry Occasional'')||1930||Guǎngzhōu 廣州
|''Pínqiéyīn'' [[頻伽音]] (''Kalaviṇka’s Cry'')||1926?||MFQ 18, 129||
|18||[[頻伽音半月刊]] ''Pínqiéyīn bànyuèkān'' (''Kalaviṇka’s Cry Monthly'')||1926||
|''Rénzhìlín cóngkān'' [[仁智林叢刊]] (''Humanity and Wisdom Society Collectanea'')||1926||MFQ 18, 139||
|19||[[頻伽音]] ''Pínqiéyīn'' (''Kalaviṇka’s Cry'')||1926?||
|''Fóhuà zhōukān'' [[佛化周刊]] (''Buddhist Weekly'')||1925||MFQ 18||Tàizhōu [[泰州]], Jiāngsū [[江蘇]]
|20||[[仁智林叢刊]] ''Rénzhìlín cóngkān'' (''Humanity and Wisdom Society Collectania'')||1926||
|''Fóxué yuèkān'' [[佛學月刊]] (''Buddhism Monthly'')||1921||MFQ 19, 91, 95-96||
|21||[[佛化周刊]] ''Fóhuà zhōukān'' (''Buddhist Weekly'')||1925||Tàizhōu 泰州, Jiāngsū 江蘇
|''Léngyán tèkān'' [[楞嚴特刊]] (''Śūraṃgama Special Issue'')||1926?||MFQ 19||
|22||[[佛學月刊]] ''Fóxué yuèkān'' (''Buddhism Monthly'')||1921||
|''Zhōngguó fójiàohuì gōngbào'' [[中國佛教會公報]] (''Official Bulletin of the Chinese Buddhist Association'')||1929||MFQ 19-20||
|23||[[佛學月刊(北平)]] ''Fóxué yuèkān'' (''Buddhism Monthly'' - Beiping Publication)||1941||Běijīng 北京
|''Dōngfāng wénhuà'' [[東方文化]] (''Eastern Culture'')||1926||MFQ 21||Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|24||[[楞嚴特刊]] ''Léngyán tèkān'' (''Śūraṃgama Special Issue'')||1926?||
|''Hóngfǎ shèkān'' [[弘法社刊]] (''Periodical of the Dharma Propagation Society'')||1928||MFQ 22-26, 144?||Also indexed as ''Hóngfǎkān'' 弘法刊; Níngbō [[寧波]], later Yúnnán [[雲南]]
|25||[[中國佛教會公報]] ''Zhōngguó fójiàohuì gōngbào'' (''Official Bulletin of the Chinese Buddhist Association'')||1929||
|''Fóhuà cèjìnhuì huìkān'' [[佛化策進會會刊]] (''Journal of the Society for the Advancement of Buddhism'')||1927||MFQ 26||
|26||[[東方文化]] ''Dōngfāng wénhuà'' (''Eastern Culture'')||1926||Shànghǎi 上海
|''Sānjué cóngkān'' [[三覺叢刊]] (''Three Enlightenments Collectanea'')||1926||MFQ 27||
|27||[[弘法社刊]] ''Hóngfǎ shèkān'' (''Periodical of the Dharma Propagation Society'')||1928||Níngbō 寧波, later Yúnnán 雲南
|''Hóngcí fóxuéyuàn niánkān'' [[弘慈佛學院年刊]] (''Hongci Seminary Yearbook'')||1930?||MFQ 27||
|28||[[佛化策進會會刊]] ''Fóhuà cèjìnhuì huìkān'' (''Journal of the Society for the Advancement of Buddhism'')||1927||
|''Fóhuà suíkān'' [[佛化隨刊]] (''Buddhistic Occasional'')||1929?||MFQ 28||
|29||[[三覺叢刊]] ''Sānjué cóngkān'' (''Three Enlightenments Collectania'')||1926||
|''Běiping fóhuà yùekān'' [[北平佛化月刊]] (''Beiping Buddhistic Monthly'')||1933?||MFQ 29, 137||
|30||[[弘慈佛學院年刊]] ''Hóngcí fóxuéyuàn niánkān'' (''Hongci Seminary Yearbook'')||1930?||
|''Fóxué yuèbào'' [[佛學月報]] (''Buddhism Monthly'')||1925||MFQ 29||Sometimes indexed incorrectly as ''Fóxué yuèkān'' 佛學月刊; Hànyáng [[漢陽]], Húběi [[湖北]]
|31||[[佛化隨刊]] ''Fóhuà suíkān'' (''Buddhistic Occasional'')||1929?||Unknown
|''Zhèng júe'' [[正覺]] (''True Awakening'')||1930||MFQ 29||Also called 正覺雜誌
|33||[[佛學月報]] ''Fóxué yuèbào'' (''Buddhism Monthly'')||1925||Hànyáng 漢陽, Húběi 湖北
|''Xīzàng Bānchán zhùjīng bàngōngchù yuèkān'' [[西藏班禪駐京辦公處月刊]] (''Beijing Office of the Tibetan Panchen Lama Monthly'')||1929||MFQ 30||
|44||[[佛教評論]] ''Fójiào pínglùn'' (''Buddhist Critic'')||1931||
|''Wēiyīn yuèkān'' [[威音月刊]] (''Mighty Sound Monthly'')||1930||MFQ 31-44||Also indexed as Wēiyīn 威音; Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|46||[[佛學半月刊]] ''Fóxué bànyuèkān'' (''Buddhism Semimonthly'')||1930||Shànghǎi 上海
|''Sìchuān Fójiàotuán diànqǐng zhèngfǔ gǎidìng sìmiào guǎnlǐ tiáolì tèkān'' [[四川佛教團體電請政府改定寺廟管理條例特刊]] (''Special Publication on Sichuan Buddhist Groups Requesting by Telegraph that the Government Amend the Rules Governing Temples'')||||MFQ 45||
|49||[[淨宗月刊]] ''Jìngzōng yuèkān'' (''Pure [Land] School Monthly'')||1948||Wēiyuǎn 威遠, Sìchuān 四川
|''Dà Fóxué bào''[[大佛學報]] (''The Great Buddhist Journal'')||1930||MFQ 45||
|53||[[四川佛教月刊]] ''Sìchuān fójiào yuèkān'' (''Sichuan Buddhist Monthly'')||1926||Chénggdū 成都
|''Yíchāng jūshìlín línkān'' [[宜昌居士林林刊]] (''Association Journal of the Yichang Lay Buddhist Association'')||1936?||MFQ 45||
|54||[[正信]] ''Zhèngxìn'' (''Right Faith'')||1932||Hànkǒu 漢口; Also published as ''Zhèngxìn zhōukān'' 正信周刊 and ''Zhèngxìn kàngzhàn bànyuèkān'' 正信抗戰半月刊
|''Zhōng Rì mìjiāo'' [[中日密教]] (''Sino-Japanese Esotericism'')||1934||MFQ 45||
|56||[[佛學出版界]]<ref>Full name 佛學出版界雜誌</ref> ''Fóxué chūbǎn jiè'' (''Buddhist Publishing World'')||1932||Shànghǎi 上海
|''Fóxué zhōukān - xīnbào'' [[佛學周刊‧新報]] (''Buddhist Weekly - New Edition'')||1935?||MFQ 45||Also indexed as ''Fóxué zhōukān'' 佛學周刊
|59||[[現代僧伽]] ''Xiàndài sēngqié'' (''Modern Sangha'')||1928||Minnan Buddhist Seminary 閩南佛學院, later Cháozhōu 潮州
|''Liánlòushēng'' [[蓮漏聲]] (''Sound of the Dripping Lotus'')||1939?||MFQ 45||
|62||[[人海燈]] ''Rén hǎidēng'' (''Altar-Lamp of Humanity'')||1933||Published in Xiamen, Hong Kong and Shanghai
|''Fǎhǎi bōlán'' [[法海波瀾]] (''Great Waves of the Dharma Sea'')||1930?||MFQ 46||Same as 金山法海波瀾, MFQB 40?
|66||[[北平佛教會月刊]] ''Běipíng fójiàohuì yuèkān'' (''Běipíng Buddhist Association Monthly'')||1935||Běijīng 北京
|''Fójiào pínglùn'' [[佛教評論]] (''Buddhist Critic'')||1931||MFQ 46||
|73||[[佛教與佛學]] ''Fójiào yǔ Fóxué'' (''Buddhism and Buddhist'')||1935||Singapore
|''Língquán tōngxìn'' [[靈泉通信]] (''Spirituous Spring Dispatch'')||||MFQ 46||
|84||[[人間覺]] ''Rénjiān jué'' (''Humanistic Awakening'')||1936||Xiamen 廈門
|''Fóxué bànyuèkān'' [[佛學半月刊]] (''Buddhism Semimonthly'')||1930 - 1944||MFQ 47-55||Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|96||[[羅漢菜雜誌]] ''Luóhàn cài zázhì'' (''Arhat’s Food Magazine'')||1939||Shànghǎi 上海
|''Dùzhōu yuèbāo'' [[渡舟月報]] (''Ship of Salvation Monthly''))||1937||MFQ 56||
|97||[[覺有情]] ''Jué yǒuqíng'' (''Bodhisattva'')||1939||Shànghǎi 上海
|''Jìngzōng yuèkān'' [[淨宗月刊]] (''Pure [Land] School Monthly'')||1948||MFQ 56||Wēiyuǎn 威遠, Sìchuān [[四川]]
|100||[[同願]] Tóng yuàn (''Common Vow'')||1940||Běijīng 北京
|''Juémí'' [[覺迷]] (''Awakening Perplexity'')||1947?||MFQ 56||
|103||[[覺音]] ''Juéyīn'' (''Voice of Awakening'')||1939||Two publications appeared under this name, one in Hong Kong and one in Macao
|''Nèiyuàn zákān'' [[內院雜刊]] (''Inner Hall Miscellany'')||||MFQ 56||Nánjīng [[南京]], Chinese Inner Studies Institute [[支那內學院]]
|107||[[人間佛教]] ''Rénjiān Fójiào'' (''Humanistic Buddhism'')||1947||Singapore
|''Xuésēng tiāndì'' [[學僧天地]] (''Learned Monastic World'')||1948||MFQ 56||
|114||[[弘化月刊]] ''Hónghuà yuèkān'' (''Spreading the Teaching Monthly'')||1941||Shànghǎi 上海
|''Sìchuān fójiào yuèkān'' [[四川佛教月刊]] (''Sichuan Buddhist Monthly'')||1931||MFQ 57-60||Chéngdū [[成都]]
|115||[[中流]]<ref> Full name 中流月刊?</ref> ''Zhōngliú'' (''Midstream'')||1947||Published in Zhènjiāng 鎮江
|''Zhèngxìn'' [[正信週刊|正信]] (''Right Faith'')||1932||MFQ 60-63||Hànkǒu [[漢口]]; Also published as ''Zhèngxìn zhōukān'' 正信周刊 and ''Zhèngxìn kàngzhàn bànyuèkān'' 正信抗戰半月刊
|116||[[文教叢刊]] ''Wénjiào cóngkān'' (''Culture and Education Monograph Series'')||1945||Nèijiāng 內江, Sìchuān 四川
|''Fóxué chūbǎn jiè'' [[佛學出版界]] (''Buddhist Publishing World'')||1932||MFQ 64||Shànghǎi [[上海]]; Full name 佛學出版界雜誌
|118||[[覺群週報]] ''Juéqún zhōubào'' (''Awakening the Multitude Weekly News'')||1946||Shànghǎi 上海
|''Fójiào zázhì'' [[佛教雜志]] (''Buddhist Magazine'')||1934||MFQ 64||
|120||[[覺訊月刊]] ''Juéxùn yuèkān'' (''Awakening News Monthly'')||1947||Shànghǎi 上海
|''Fójiào jūshìlín tèkān'' [[佛教居士林特刊]] (''Buddhist Lay Association Special Publication'')||1933?||MFQ 65||
|124||[[佛教文摘]] ''Fójiào wénzhāi'' (''Buddhist Digest'')||1947||Wúxí 無錫, Jiāngsū 江蘇
|''Xiàndài sēngqié'' [[現代僧伽]] (''Modern Sangha'')||1928||MFQ 66-67, 139||Minnan Buddhist Seminary [[閩南佛學院]], later Cháozhōu [[潮州]]
|125||[[佛教人間]] ''Fójiào rénjiān'' (''Buddhist Humanity'')||1950?||Singapore
|''Xiàndài Fójiào'' [[現代佛教]] (''Modern Buddhism'')||1932||MFQ 67-69||Continuation of ''Xiàndài sēngqié'' [[現代僧伽]] (''Modern Sangha'')
|127||[[南瀛佛教]] ''Nányíng Fójiào'' (''South Seas Buddhism'')||1923||Also known as ''South Seas Buddhist Association News'' (南瀛佛教會會報 1923 - January 1930) and ''Taiwanese Buddhism'' (台灣佛教 February 1941 - December 1941)
|''Mìjiào jiǎngxí lù'' [[密教講習錄]] (''Record of Lectures on Esotericism'')||||MFQ 69||
|128||[[中道]] ''Zhōngdào'' (''Middle Way'')||1923||Táizhōng 台中, Táiwān 台灣
|''Rén hǎidēng'' [[人海燈]] (''Altar-Lamp of Humanity'')||1933||MFQ 69-70, 140-141||Published in Xiàmén [[廈門]], Hong Kong [[香港]] and Shànghái [[上海]]
|132||[[佛化新聞]]<ref>Full name 佛化新聞周刊?</ref> ''Fóhuà xīnwén'' (''Buddhist News'')||1927||Chóngqìng 重慶, moved to Chéngdū 成都 in 1939
|''Juéshè niánkān'' [[覺社年刊]] (''Awakening Society Yearly'')||1934?||MFQ 71, 136||
|150||[[海潮音]] ''Hǎicháo yīn'' (''Sound of the Sea Tide'')||1920||Shànghǎi, Hángzhōu, Běijīng, Hánkǒu, Wǔchāng, Chóngqìng, Nánjīng; Originally published as ''Juéshè cóngshū'' 覺社叢書 in 1918
|''Sānjiào yuèkān'' [[三教月刊]] (''Three Teachings Monthly'')||1935||MFQ 71||
|N/A||[[台灣佛教]] ''Táiwān Fójiào'' (''Taiwanese Buddhism'')||1947||Táiběi 台北, Táiwān 台灣
|''Quànshì wénkān'' [[勸世文刊]] (''Literature to Exhort the World'')||1936?||MFQ 72||
|N/A||[[山西佛教雜誌]] ''Shānxī Fójiào zázhì'' (''Shanxi Buddhist Magazine'')||1934||
|''Běipíng fójiàohuì yuèkān'' [[北平佛教會月刊]] (''Běipíng Buddhist Association Monthly'')||1935||MFQ 72-75||Běijīng [[北京]]
|N/A||[[香海佛化刊]] ''Xiānghǎi Fóhuà kān'' (''Fragrant Ocean Buddhist Periodical'')||1932||Hong Kong 香港
|''Shānxī Fójiào zázhì'' [[山西佛教雜誌]] (''Shānxī Buddhist Magazine'')||1934||MFQ 75, 140||
|N/A||[[威音月刊]] ''Wēiyīn yuèkān'' (''Mighty Sound Monthly'')||1930||Shànghǎi 上海
|''Yōnghé gōng dǎoguān suǒ kānwù'' [[雍和宮導觀所刊物]] (''Items Published by the Caretakers of the Yōnghé Temple'')||1934||MFQ 76||
|N/A||[[廣長舌]] ''Guǎngcháng shé'' (''Broad and Long Tongue'')||1930||Shànghǎi 上海
|''Qītǎ Bào'ēn Fóxuéyuàn yuànkān'' [[七塔報恩佛學院院刊]] (''Journal of the Qītǎ Bào'ēn Buddhist Seminary'')||October 1936||MFQ 76||Níngbō [[寧波]], only 1 issue
|N/A||[[正覺雜誌]] ''Zhèngjué zázhì'' (''True Enlightenment Magazine'')||1930||Běijīng 北京
|''Jìngtǔzōng yuèkān'' [[淨土宗月刊]] (''Pure Land School Monthly'')||1935?||MFQ 77||
|''Zhōngguó Fójiàohuì bào'' [[中國佛教會報]] (''Periodical of the Chinese Buddhist Association'')||1936?||MFQ 78||
|''Fóhuà'' [[佛化]] (''Buddhism'')||1933||MFQ 78||
|''Fójiào yǔ Fóxué'' [[佛教與佛學]] (''Buddhism and Buddhist'')||1935||MFQ 78-79||Singapore [[新加坡]]
|''Hùshēng bào'' [[護生報]] (''Protecting Life'')||1935?||MFQ 79||
|''Fóhǎidēng'' [[佛海燈]] (''Lamp of the Buddha Sea'')||1935?||MFQ 79||
|''Fójiào túshūguǎn bàogào'' [[佛教圖書館報告]] (''Report of the Buddhist Library'')||1936||MFQ 79||
|''Fóguāng jìkān'' [[佛光季刊]] (''Buddha-Light Quarterly'')||1949||MFQ 79||
|''Hàn-Zàng jiàolǐyuàn lì'àn wénjiàn huìbiān'' [[漢藏教理院立案文件彙編]] (''Collection of Registered Documents for the Sino-Tibetan Institute'')||1936||MFQ 80
|''Rì Huá Fójiào'' [[日華佛教]] (''Sino-Japanese Buddhism'')||1936||MFQ 80||
|''Tóngyuàn xuébào'' [[同願學報]] (''Common Vow Journal'')||1940||MFQ 80||
|''Cíháng huàbào'' [[慈航畫報]] (''Ship of Compassion Illustrated'')||1933?||MFQ 80||
|''Fójiào yuèbào'' 佛教月報||||MFQ 80, 139||Not the 1913 publication?
|''Rénjiān jué'' [[人間覺]] (''Humanistic Awakening'')||1936||MFQ 81||Xiàmén [[廈門]]
|''Fójiào gōnglùn'' [[佛教公論]] (''Public Opinion on Buddhism'')||1936||MFQ 82, 146||
|''Liánshè huìkān'' [[蓮社會刊]] (''Lotus Society'')||1934||MFQ 82||
|''Dàshēng bào'' [[大生報]] (''Great Life'')||1936||MFQ 83||
|''Zhōngguó Fójiào xuéyuàn niánkān'' [[中國佛教學院年刊]] (''Chinese Institute for Buddhist Studies Annual'')||||MFQ 83||
|''Wēimiào shēng'' [[微妙聲]] (''Subtle Voice'')||1936||MFQ 84||Běijīng [[北京]] by the Bodhi Study Society [[菩提學會]]
|''Wēimiào shēng - Hùyuàn tèkān'' [[微妙聲-護院特刊]] (''Subtle Voice - Special Edition on Hùyuàn'')||1936||MFQ 85||
|''Juéjīn zázhì'' [[覺津雜志]] (''Ferry of Awakening Magazine'')||1936||MFQ 86||
|''Fóhuà xīnwén'' [[佛化新聞]] (''Buddhist News'')||1937 - 1942?||MFQ 86||Chóngqìng [[重慶]], Chéngdū [[成都]]
|''Dōngyà Fójiào qīngnián hūshēng'' [[東亞佛教青年呼聲]] (''The Call of East Asian Buddhist Youth'')||1938||MFQ 86||
|''Fójiào nǚzhòng'' [[佛教女眾]] (''Buddhist Women's Sangha'')||1937||MFQ 87||
|''Fójiào jìkān'' [[佛教季刊]] (''Buddhism Quarterly'')||1937||MFQ 87||
|''Luóhàn cài'' ([[羅漢菜]] ''Arhat’s Cuisine'')||1939||MFQ 87-88||Shànghǎi [[上海]]; Full name 羅漢菜雜誌
|''Jué yǒuqíng'' [[覺有情]] (''Bodhisattva'')||1939||MFQ 89-90||Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|''Huánán juéyīn'' [[華南覺音]] (''South China Voice of Awakening'')||1938||MFQ 90||
|''Chénzhōng'' [[晨鐘]] (''Morning Bell'')||1939||MFQ 90||
|''Tóngyuàn'' [[同願]] (''Common Vow'')||1940||MFQ 91||Běijīng [[北京]]
|''Xīběi Fójiào zhōubào'' [[西北佛教週報]] (''Northwest Buddhism Weekly'')||1940||MFQ 91||
|''Fóhuà pínglùn'' [[佛化評論]] (''Buddhist Critique'')||1940||MFQ 91||
|''Juéyīn'' [[覺音]] (''Voice of Awakening'')||1939||MFQ 92||Hong Kong [[香港]] and Macao [[澳門]]; Two publications with the name title published in different cities
|''Huáběi zōngjiào niánjiàn'' [[華北宗教年鑑]] (''Almanac of Religion in North China'')||1941||MFQ 93-94
|''Shīzi hǒu yuèkān'' [[獅子吼月刊]] (''Lion's Roar Monthly'')||1940||MFQ 94, 103||Also known as 獅吼 and 獅吼月刊
|''Rénjiān Fójiào'' [[人間佛教]] (''Humanistic Buddhism'')||1947||MFQ 94, 100||Singapore [[新加坡]]
|''Liánchíhuì wén'' [[蓮池會聞]] (''Lotus Pond Assembly News'')||1941||MFQ 97||
|''Dàxióng'' [[大雄]] (''Great Hero'')||1942||MFQ 97, 105||Sìchuān [[四川]] and Shǎnxī [[陜西]]; Two separate publications with the same title?
|''Miàofǎ lún'' [[妙法輪]] (''Wheel of the Wondrous Dharma'')||1943||MFQ 97||
|''Fójiào wényì'' [[佛教文藝]] (''Buddhist Literature and Arts'')||1943||MFQ 98||
|''Zhōngguó Fójiào jìkān'' [[中國佛教季刊]] (''Chinese Buddhism Quarterly'')||1943||MFQ 98||
|''Hónghuà yuèkān'' [[弘化月刊]] (''Spreading the Teaching Monthly'')||1941 - 1958||MFQ 98, 136-137||Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|''Zhōngliú'' [[中流]] (''Midstream'')||1947||MFQ 98||Zhènjiāng [[鎮江]]; Full name 中流月刊?
|''Wénjiào cóngkān'' [[文教叢刊]] (''Culture and Education Monograph Series'')||1945||MFQ 99-100||Sìchuān [[四川]]
|''Péidū Cíyúnsì sēnglǚ jiùhùduì jìniànkān'' [[陪都慈雲寺僧侶救護隊紀念刊]] (''Memorial Edition for the Monastic Rescue Squad of Cíyún Temple in the War-time Capital'')||1945||MFQ 100||
|''Juéqún zhōubào'' [[覺群週報]] (''Awakening the Multitude Weekly News'')||1946||MFQ 101-102||Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|''Yuányīn yuèkān'' [[圓音月刊]] (''Buddha's Voice<ref>See [[DDB]] entry on 圓音 for this translation</ref> Monthly'')||1947||MFQ 102||
|''Juéxùn yuèkān'' [[覺訊]] (''Awakening News'')||1947||MFQ 103||Shànghǎi [[上海]]; Full name 覺訊月刊?
|''Shìjiān jiě'' [[世間解]] (''Worldly Salvation'')||1947||MFQ 104||
|''Táiwān Fójiào'' [[臺灣佛教]] (''Taiwanese Buddhism'')||1947||MFQ 104, 133?||Not to be confused with the 臺灣佛教 published in 1941, see MFQ 107-122
|''Cíháng'' [[慈航(期刊)]] (''Ship of Compassion'')||1947||MFQ 104, MFQB||Full name 慈航月刊?
|''Fójiào wénzhāi'' [[佛教文摘]] (''Buddhist Digest'')||1947||MFQ 105||Wúxí [[無錫]]
|''Fójiào rénjiān'' [[佛教人間]] (''Buddhist Humanity'')||1950?||MFQ 106||Singapore [[新加坡]]
|''Mǐnnán Fóxuéyuàn tèkān'' [[閩南佛學院特刊]] (''Mǐnnán Buddhist Seminary Special Edition'')||1943||MFQ 106||
| ''Nányíng Fójiào'' [[南瀛佛教]](''South Seas Buddhism'')||1923||MFQ 107-122||Also known as ''South Seas Buddhist Association News'' (南瀛佛教會會報 1923 - January 1930) and ''Taiwanese Buddhism'' (臺灣佛教 February 1941 - December 1941)
|''Zhōngdào'' [[中道]] (''Middle Way'')||1923||MFQ 123-124||Táizhōng [[臺中]]
|''Jìngyè yuèkān'' [[淨業月刊]] (''Pure Karma Monthly'')||1926||MFQ 124-127||
|''Sìchuān fójiào xúnkān'' [[四川佛教旬刊]] (''Sìchuān Buddhism Weekly'')||1925?||MFQ 128||
|''Xiānluó Fójiào cóngtán'' [[暹羅佛教叢譚]] (''Collected Discourses on Siamese Buddhism'')||||MFQ 128||
|''Pínqiéyīn bànyuèkān'' [[頻伽音半月刊]] (''Kalaviṇka’s Cry Monthly'')||1926||MFQ 129||
|''Fóhuà xīnwén zhōukān'' [[佛化新聞週刊]] (''Buddhist News Weekly'')||1937||MFQ 129||Chóngqìng [[重慶]], moved to Chéngdū [[成都]] in 1939
|''Shìjiè Fójiào júshìlín kèchéng guīyuē'' [[世界佛教居士林課程規約]] (''Course Outline for the World Buddhist Lay Association'')||||MFQ 129||
|''Fǎyǔ yuèbào'' [[法雨月報]] (''Dharma Rain Monthly'')||1931||MFQ 129||
|''Zhāngzhōu Nánshān xuéxiào xiàokān'' [[漳州南山學校校刊]] (''Journal of the Zhāngzhōu Nánshān School'')||1928||MFQ 129||
|''Yínxiàn Fójiàohuì huìkān'' [[鄞縣佛教會會刊]] (''Journal of the Yín County Buddhist Association'')||1934||MFQ 130||
|''Xǐ bào'' [[喜報]] (''Good News'')||||MFQ 130||
|''Huìdēng yuèkān'' [[慧燈月刊]] (''Lamp of Wisdom Monthly'')||1942?||MFQ 130||
|''Jìngfó yuèkān'' [[敬佛月刊]] (''Honoured Buddha Monthly'')||1935||MFQ 130-131||
|''Guānzōng gàikuàng'' [[觀宗概況]] (''General Report on the Guānzōng [School]'')||1936?||MFQ 131||
|''Dàshèng'' [[大乘]] (''Mahāyāna'')||1939?||MFQ 131||
|''Wúxī Fójiào jìngyèzhè niánkān'' [[無錫佛教淨業社年刊]] (''Wúxī Buddhist Pure Karma Society Annual'')||1937||MFQ 132||
|''Hóng'áo jí'' [[鴻嗷輯]] (''Cry of the Starving'')||1934||MFQ 133||
|''Xīzāi zhuānkān'' [[息灾專刊]] (''Special Edition on Disaster Relief'')||1928?||MFQ 133-134||
|''Tiānjīn Fójiào júshìlín línkān'' [[天津佛教居士林林刊]] (''Journal of the Tiānjīn Lay Buddhist Association'')||1928?||MFQ 134||
|''Nánxūn jí'' [[南詢集]] (''Collection of Southern Inquiries'')<ref>A reference perhaps to Nánxūnlù 南詢錄 by Déng Huōqú 鄧豁渠, a late-Míng monk-scholar. See [].</ref>||1935||MFQ 134||
|''Mògānshān liánshè tèkān'' [[莫干山蓮社特刊]] (''Special Edition on the Mògān Mountain Lotus Society'')||1937||MFQ 134||
|''Shānxī Fójiào yuèkān'' [[山西佛教月刊]] (''Shānxī Buddhism Monthly'')||1929||MFQ 135||
|''Fójiào shūjú túshū mùlù'' [[佛教書局圖書目錄]] (''Index of Books by Buddhist Publishers'')||1930?||MFQ 135||
|''Pínqié yīn suíkān'' [[頻伽音隨刊]] (''Kalaviṇka’s Cry Occasional'')||1930 - 1934?||MFQ 136||Guǎngzhōu [[廣州]]
|''Fójiào zázhì'' [[佛教雜誌]] (''Buddhism Magazine'')||||MFQ 137||Separate publication from that in MFQ 75?
|''Hǎicháo yīn'' [[海潮音]] (''Sound of the Sea Tide'')||1920||MFQ 147-204||Shànghǎi, Hángzhōu, Běijīng, Hánkǒu, Wǔchāng, Chóngqìng, Nánjīng
|''Fóhuà'' [[佛化]] (''The Decadal Edition is Buddhism'')<ref>English title from cover of first issue</ref>||1921||MFQB 1||Shànghǎi [[上海]]; See also the later periodical of the same name in MFQ 78
|''Fóxué huìkān'' [[佛學匯刊]] (''Collectanea of Buddhism'')||1923||MFQB 2||Shànghǎi [[上海]]; Only two issues published
|''Hónghuà tèkān'' [[宏化特刊]] (''Special Edition on Vast Conversion'')||1922||MFQB 2||Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|''Bānchán dōnglái jì'' [[班禪東來記]] (''Record of the Panchen Lama's Visit to the East'')||1925||MFQB 2||Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|''Fóxuéyuàn dìyībān tóngxuélù'' [[佛學院第一班同學錄]] (''Record of the First Class of the (Wǔchāng) Buddhist Seminary'')||1924||MFQB 4||
|''Táiwān Fójiào xīnbào'' [[臺灣佛教新報]] (''Taiwanese Buddhism - New Issue'')||1925||MFQB 4||Táiběi [[臺北]]
|''Sūchéng yǐnpín huì xúnkān'' [[蘇城隱貧會旬刊]] (''Weekly Publication of the Sūzhōu Association for the Poor'')||1925||MFQB 5||Sūzhōu [[蘇州]]
|''Sūchéng yǐnpín huì xúnkān huìbiān'' [[蘇城隱貧會旬刊匯編]] (''Collected Articles from the Weekly Publication of the Sūzhōu Association for the Poor'')||1926||MFQB 6||Sūzhōu [[蘇州]]
|''Juéshè cóngshū xuǎnběn'' [[覺社叢書選本]] (''Selected Writings from the Awakening Society Collectanea'')||1925?||MFQB 13||Wǔchāng [[武昌]]
|''Fóhuà xúnkān'' [[佛化旬刊(上海)]] (''Buddhist Weekly (Shànghǎi)'')||1925||MFQB 14||Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|''Fóhuà jìkān'' [[佛化季刊]] (''Buddhist Quarterly'')||1925||MFQB 14||Cháoān 潮安? - Single Issue
|''Shìjiè Fójiào jūshìlín quànmù jījīnhuì tèkān'' [[世界佛教居士林勸募基金會特刊]] (''Special Publication from the Fund-raising Committee of the World Lay Buddhist Association'')||1925||MFQB 14||Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|''Jiāyīnshè zhōukān'' [[迦音社周刊]] (''The Buddha's Voice Society Weekly'')||1925||MFQB 15||Hángzhōu [[杭州]] - Only one issue (#67) in MFQB
|''Jīnguāngmíng fǎhuì tèkān'' [[金光明法會特刊]] (''Special Publication of the Jīnguāngmíng Dharma Assembly'')||1926||MFQB 15||Tiānjīn [[天津]] - Single Issue
|''Xīndēng'' [[心燈]] (''Light of the Mind'')||1926||MFQB 15-16||Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|''Zhōngguó Fóxué'' [[中國佛學]] (''Chinese Buddhism'')||1928||MFQB 22||Nánjīng [[南京]] - Single Issue
|''Zàngmín shēnglèi'' [[藏民聲涙]]<ref>Title given as 藏民聲泪 in the [[MFQB]] index</ref> (''Tearful Cry of the Tibetan People'')||1928||MFQB 22||Nánjīng [[南京]] - Single Issue
|''Chénzhōng'' [[晨鐘(蘇州)]] (''Morning Bell (Sūzhōu)'')||1927||MFQB 32||Sūzhōu [[蘇州]] - Only three issues published; Separate from the publication of the same name in MFQ 90
|''Fóbǎo xúnkān'' [[佛寶旬刊]] (''Buddha Treasures Weekly'')||1927||MFQB 33||Běijīng [[北京]]
|''Zhōnghuá mínguó Fójiào jīguān diàochá lù'' [[中華民國佛教機關調查錄]] (''Record of the Investigation into Buddhist Organizations in the Republic of China'')||1929||MFQB 33||Tài county 泰縣, Jiāngsū [[江蘇]] - Only two issues published; Also indexed as 全國佛教機關調查録
|''Zhèjiāng quánshěng Fójiàohuì xún (yuè) kān'' [[浙江全省佛教會旬(月)刊]] (''All-Zhèjiāng Buddhist Association Weekly (Monthly)'')||1928||MFQB 33||Hángzhōu [[杭州]] - Changed to a monthly in 1929
|''Huàfó zàoxiàng'' [[化佛造像]] (''Images of Huàfó'')||1929||MFQB 38||Shànghǎi [[上海]] - Showcases the Buddha images of Qián Sūhàn 錢蘇漢, also called Huàfó 化佛; Only one issue (#1) in MFQB
|''Zhōngshēng'' [[鐘聲]] (''Sound of the Bell'')||1930||MFQB 39||Shànghǎi [[上海]] - Single Issue
|''Nèiyuàn zákān (Fófǎ fēi zōngjiào fēi zhéxué)'' [[內院雜刊(佛法非宗教非哲學)]] (''Inner Studies Institute Magazine - Buddhism is Neither Religion Nor Philosophy Edition'')||1937?||MFQB 39||Nánjīng? [[南京]] - Single Issue
|''Jiāngnán jiǔhuá fóxuéyuàn yuànkān'' [[江南九華佛學院院刊]] (Publication of the Jiǔhuá, Jiāngnán Buddhist Studies Institute)||1931||MFQB 41||Shànghǎi [[上海]], single issue
|''Sīmíngxiàn Fójiàohuì huìkān'' [[思明縣佛教會會刊]] (Publication of the Sīmíng County Buddhist Association)||1931||MFQB 42||Sīmíng County 思明縣, Fújiàn [[福建]]
|''Xīnán hépíng fǎhuì tèkān'' [[西南和平法會特刊]] (Special Publication of the Southeast Dharma Assembly for Peace)||1931||MFQB 42||Chóngqìng [[重慶]], single issue
|''Jiěxīng jīngshè dìyīcì tèkān'' [[解行精舍第一次特刊]] (First Special Publication of the Jiěxíng Hermitage)||1932||MFQB 46||Guǎngzhōu [[廣州]], single issue
|''Shìjiè Fójiào júshìlín chéngjī bàogàoshū'' [[世界佛教居士林成績報告書]] (Report on the Achievements of the World Lay Buddhist Association)||1933||MFQB 46||Shànghǎi [[上海]], single issue
|''Hónghuǎ tèkān'' [[弘化特刊]] (Special Issue on Spreading the Teaching)||1930||MFQB 46||Yúnnán [[雲南]], only one issue reprinted
|''Xiānghǎi Fóhuà kān'' [[香海佛化刊]] (Fragrant Ocean Buddhist Periodical)||1932||MFQB 47||Hong Kong [[香港]]
|''Shìdēng Fóxué yuèkān'' [[世燈佛學月刊]] (Light of the World Buddhist Monthly)||1934||MFQB 48||Shàntóu 汕頭, also indexed simply as ''Shìdēng'' 世燈 (see [[MMQ]])
|''Róngxiàn Fóxué yuèkān'' [[榮縣佛學月刊]] (Róng County Buddhist Monthly)||1933||MFQB 50||Róng County 榮縣, Sìchuān [[四川]]
|''Hóngshàn huìbào'' [[宏善匯報]] (Great Benevolence Report)||1935||MFQB 52||Xiàmén [[廈門]]
|''Guǎngcháng shé'' [[廣長舌]] (Broad and Long Tongue)||1930||MFQB 53||Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|''Shìjiè Fóxuéyuàn Hàn-Zàng jiàolǐyuàn niánkān'' [[世界佛學苑漢藏教理院年刊]] (Sino-Tibetan Institute of the World Buddhist Studies Center Annual)||1934||MFQB 53||Chóngqìng [[重慶]], single issue
|''Jiāshā'' [[袈裟(期刊)|袈裟]] (Kaṣāya)||1935||MFQB 54||Quánzhōu [[泉州]], 6 issues total
|''Běijīng Fóxué shūjú Fóxué túshūguǎn mùlù'' [[北京佛學書局佛學圖書館目錄]] (Catalogue of the Buddhist Library of Beijing Buddhist Books)||1938||MFQB 55||Běijīng [[北京]], single issue
|''Fóxué shūmù'' [[佛學書目]] (Buddhist Book Catalogue)||1936||MFQB 55||Běijīng [[北京]], single issue
|''Shíyǔ'' [[時雨]] (Occasional Rain?)||1936||MFQB 55||Shànghǎi [[上海]], only one issue ever published
|''Xiāngxùn'' [[香汛]] (Fragrant Water)||1935||MFQB 56||Shànghǎi [[上海]], only one issue reprinted
|''Fóxué cóngkān'' [[佛學叢刊]] (Buddhist Collectanea)||1936||MFQB 56-57||Quánzhōu [[泉州]], Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|''Chóngxīng Qīngliáng sì shuǐlù fǎhuì tèkān'' [[重興清涼寺水陸法會特刊]] (Special Issue on the Dharma Assembly of Water and Land Reviving Qīngliáng Temple)||1937||MFQB 58||Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|''Shànghǎi chúnshànhuì tèkān'' [[上海純善社特刊]] (Special Publication of the Shànghǎi Pure Benevolence Society)||1938||MFQB 58||Shànghǎi [[上海]], single issue
|''Jīn'gāng bànyuè kān'' [[金剛半月刊]] (Vajra Semimonthly)||1938||MFQB 59||Shànghǎi [[上海]], only one issue ever published
|''Chāojiàn zhàndì yīnglíng shuǐlù fǎhuì tèkān'' [[超薦戰地英靈水陸法會特刊]] (Special Publication for the Water and Land Dharma Assembly for Releasing the Souls of Fallen Soldiers)||1938||MFQB 59||Shànghǎi [[上海]], single issue
|''Shīzi hǒu Fóxué yuèkān'' [[獅子吼佛學月刊]] (Lion's Roar Buddhist Monthly)||1939||MFQB 59||Guǎngxī [[廣西]], only combined issue 1/2 reprinted
|''Fójiào tóngyuànhuì tèkān'' [[佛教同願會特刊]] (Special Publication of the Buddhist Common Vow Society)||1939||MFQB 59||Běijīng [[北京]], single issue
|''Pútí tèkān'' [[菩提特刊]] (Bodhi Special Issue)||1945?||MFQB 59||Penang 梹城, Malaysia 馬來西亞, single issue
|''Sùshí tèkān'' [[素食特刊]] (Special Issue on Vegetarianism)||1943||MFQB 59||Shànghǎi [[上海]], single issue
|''Shīhǒu lóngxiào'' [[獅吼龍嘯]] (Lion's Roar Dragon's Hiss)||1939||MFQB 66||Chóngqìng [[重慶]], single issue
|''Sūzhōu juéshè tèkān'' [[蘇州覺社特刊]] (Special Publication of the Sūzhōu Awakening Society)||1935||MFQB 67||Sūzhōu [[蘇州]]
|''Bǎojué tóngxué jìkān'' [[寶覺同學季刊]] (Bǎojué School Alumni Quarterly||1941?-1961?||MFQB 67||Hong Kong [[香港]], only first issue reprinted
|''Fànshēng'' [[梵聲]] (Holy Voice?)||1941||MFQB 67||Manchuria 滿州國, only two issues reprinted
|''Hóngfǎ dàshī jìniàn tèkān'' [[弘法大師記念特刊]] (Special Publication in Memory of Kūkai)||1940||MFQB 67||Nánjīng [[南京]]?, single issue
|''Yìnguāng dàshī jìniàn tèkān'' [[印光大師紀念特刊]] (Special Publication in Memory of Yìnguāng)||1941||MFQB 67||single issue
|''Jiùjié tèkān'' [[救劫特刊]] (Special Issue on Salvation from Calamity)||1930||MFQB 73||Ānhuī [[安徽]], only one issue published, reprinted in 1932
|''Fójiào zázhì'' [[佛教雜志|佛教雜志(1942)]] (Buddhist Magazine)||1942||MFQB 74||Shànghǎi [[上海]], Wǔjiào Books 五教書局, separate from publication of same name in MFQ 64
|''Jīyīn fàngshēnghuì niánkān'' [[積因放生會年刊]] (Accumulating [Good] Karma and Releasing Life Society Annual)||1942||MFQB 74||Jiāngsū [[江蘇]], only two issues published
|''Shìjiè Fóxuéyuàn Hàn-Zàng jiàolǐyuàn tèkān'' [[世界佛學苑漢藏教理院特刊]] (Special Publication of the Sino-Tibetan Institute of the World Buddhist Studies Center)||1944||MFQB 74||Chóngqìng [[重慶]], single issue
|''Mùduó shēng'' [[木鐸聲]] (Sound of the Wooden Bell)||1943||MFQB 76||Shànghǎi [[上海]], Dàodé Books 道德書局, only three issues published
|''Xīngzhōu Zhōngguó Fóxué'' [[星洲中國佛學]] (Singapore Chinese Buddhism)||1946||MFQB 76||Singapore [[新加坡]]
|''Jìngzōng suíkān'' [[淨宗隨刊]] (Pure Land School Occasional)||1947||MFQB 76||Sìchuān [[四川]], only four issues published
|''Huá-Zàng shìjiè'' [[華藏世界]] (Sino-Tibetan World)||1947||MFQB 76||Hángzhōu [[杭州]], only one issue published
|''Zhōngguó Fójiàohuì Shànghǎishì fēnhuì huìwù tèkān'' [[中國佛教會上海分會會務特刊]] (Special Publication of the Proceedings of the Shànghǎi Branch of the Buddhist Association of China)||1948||MFQB 76||Shànghǎi [[上海]], single issue
|''Língyán xuébào'' [[靈巖學報]] (Língyán Scholarly Journal)||1946||MFQB 77||Sìchuān [[四川]], only first issue republished
|''Nánxíng'' [[南行]] (Southern Travels?)||1946 - 1949||MFQB 77||Continuation of ''Luóhǎn cài'' [[羅漢菜]], MFQ 87-88, seven issues published
|''Fènxùn jí'' [[奮迅集]] (''Vikrama'' Collection)<ref>See DDB definition for 奮迅</ref>||1947||MFQB 78||Shànghǎi [[上海]], single issue
|''Fǎhǎi yìdī: jiěchù rénlèi huànkǔ zhī xiānshēng'' [[法海一滴: 解除人類患苦之先聲]] (One Drop of the Dharma Sea: An Initial Call to Relieve the Sufferings of Humankind)||1947||MFQB 78||Shànghǎi [[上海]], only two issues published
|''Ǎitíng fǎshī jìniàn tèkān'' [[靄亭法師紀念特刊]] (Special Publication in Memory of Master Ǎitíng)||1948||MFQB 48||Hong Kong [[香港]], single issue
|''Juéshì'' [[覺世]] (Awaken the World)||1949||MFQB 80||Penang 檳城, Malaysia 馬來西亞, only first issue reprinted
|''Xīchuí xuānhuà shǐgōngshǔ yuèkān'' [[西陲宣化使公署月刊]] (Propagation Office of the Western Frontier Monthly)||1935||MFQB 80-82||Nánjīng [[南京]]
|''Fǎxiàng xuéshè kān'' [[法相學社刊]] (Publication of the Fǎxiàng Study Society)||1948||MFQB 82||Shànghǎi [[上海]]?
|''Jǐchǒu dùwáng lìshēng xízāi fǎhuì yīnshēng'' [[己丑度亡利生息灾法會音聲]] (Call of the Jǐchǒu-year Dharma Assembly for Bypassing Harm, Helping Life, and Averting Calamity)||1949||MFQB 82||Shànghǎi [[上海]]?, single issue
|''Hàorán yuèkān'' [[浩然月刊]] (Hàorán Monthly?)||1949||MFQB 82||Singapore [[新加坡]], only three issues published
|''Nièshì jiāyán xúnkān'' [[聶氏家言旬刊]] ''Nièshì jiāyán xuǎnkān'' [[聶氏家言選刊]] (Niè Family Instructions Biweekly, Selected Niè Family Instructions)||1925||MFQB 83||Shànghǎi [[上海]]
|''Shìjiè Fóxuéyuàn Hàn-Zàng jiàolǐyuàn pǔtōngkē dìèrjiè bìyè tóngxuélù'' [[世界佛學苑漢藏教理院普通科第二屆畢業同學錄]] (Second Regular Class Graduation Student Record of the Sino-Tibetan Institute of the World Buddhist Studies Center)||1932||MFQB 83||Chóngqìng [[重慶]]
== Notes ==

Current revision as of 22:23, 11 January 2013

A list of Buddhist periodicals that appeared in a 1928 issue of Hǎicháoyīn 海潮音

This Periodical Portal collects information on Buddhist periodicals published in China from 1913 to 1950.


There were over 200 such periodicals; of these, many only appeared for a single issue or a very short run, but many continued to be published over decades. These publications were an important means of communication among people interested in Buddhism, a conduit for new ideas, debates and controversies, and information about the wider world of Buddhist culture.

Many periodical issues have been made available in two multi-volume reprint editions: The Mínguó fójiào qíkān wénxiàn jíchéng 民國佛教期刊文獻集成 (MFQ) and its supplement the MFQB. See the MFQ Guide for more information on the provenance of these resources.

Periodical Table

This table is still a work in progress. For the most part, periodicals that changed their name during the course of their print run are listed under a single title, with other titles noted, as for example with Nányíng Fójiào 南瀛佛教 (South Seas Buddhism). If a periodical underwent significant changes and was reorganized under a different name, then the titles are listed separately, as for example with Juéshè cóngshū 覺社叢書 (Awakening Society Collectanea) and Hǎicháo yīn 海潮音 (Voice of the Sea Tide). English translations of publication titles are descriptive only and not authoritative; if an English title was provided on the publication itself, this is noted.

The place of publication or printing is noted if known. "Single issue" means that only one issue was ever produced. If only a few issues were ever published, or only a small number are currently available in reprint editions, a note is provided to that effect.

We are currently working on 52 periodical articles. This list can be ordered alphabetically by pīnyīn title, date of first publication, or by reprint location.[1]

Name Dates of Publication Reprint Location Place(s) of Publication and Notes
Fóxué cóngbào 佛學叢報 (Buddhist Miscellany)1912 - 1914MFQ 1-4Shànghǎi 上海
Fójiào yuèbào 佛教月報 (Buddhist Monthly)1913MFQ 5-6 Shànghǎi 上海
Juéshè cóngshū 覺社叢書 (Awakening Society Collectanea)1918 - 1919MFQ 6-7, MFQB 1Shànghǎi 上海; Also called 覺書
Xīn Fójiào 新佛教 (New Buddhism)1920 - 19??MFQ 7Níngbō 寧波
Fóxué xúnkān 佛學旬刊 (Buddhism Weekly)1922 - 1923?MFQ 7-8, MFQB 1-2
Fóxīn cóngkān 佛心叢刊 (Buddhist Mind Collectanea)1922 - 19??MFQ 8
Nèixué 內學 (Inner Studies)1923 - 1928MFQ 8-10 Nánjīng 南京
Dàyún 大雲 (Great Cloud)1924 - 1929?MFQ 11, 137-139Shàoxīng 紹興
Fóyīn 佛音 (Buddhist Sound)1923? - 19??MFQ 11, 145
Xīnfóhuà xùnkān 新佛化旬刊 (New Buddhistic Weekly)1922 - 1923?MFQ 11
Fóguāng 佛光 (Buddhist Light)1923 - 19??MFQ 12
Fóhuà xīn qīngnián 佛化新青年 (The Young Men's Buddhistic Monthly)1923 - 1924MFQ 13-14Hànkǒu 漢口, later Běijīng 北京
Fóhuà shìjiè 佛化世界 (Buddhist World)1923 - 19??MFQ 14
Shìjiè Fójiào jūshìlín línkān 世界佛教居士林林刊 (Magazine of the World Buddhist Lay Association)1923 - 1937MFQ 14-16, 141-143Shànghǎi 上海
Fóguāngshè shèkān 佛光社社刊 (Journal of the Buddhist Light Society)1927 - 1932?MFQ 16-17
Fóhuà xúnkān 佛化旬刊(成都) (Buddhism Weekly (Chéngdū))1926? - 1928?MFQ 17Also indexed as 四川佛化旬刊, later became 四川佛教月刊
Pínqiéyīn 頻伽音 (Kalaviṇka’s Cry)1926?MFQ 18, 129
Rénzhìlín cóngkān 仁智林叢刊 (Humanity and Wisdom Society Collectanea)1926MFQ 18, 139
Fóhuà zhōukān 佛化周刊 (Buddhist Weekly)1925MFQ 18Tàizhōu 泰州, Jiāngsū 江蘇
Fóxué yuèkān 佛學月刊 (Buddhism Monthly)1921MFQ 19, 91, 95-96
Léngyán tèkān 楞嚴特刊 (Śūraṃgama Special Issue)1926?MFQ 19
Zhōngguó fójiàohuì gōngbào 中國佛教會公報 (Official Bulletin of the Chinese Buddhist Association)1929MFQ 19-20
Dōngfāng wénhuà 東方文化 (Eastern Culture)1926MFQ 21Shànghǎi 上海
Hóngfǎ shèkān 弘法社刊 (Periodical of the Dharma Propagation Society)1928MFQ 22-26, 144?Also indexed as Hóngfǎkān 弘法刊; Níngbō 寧波, later Yúnnán 雲南
Fóhuà cèjìnhuì huìkān 佛化策進會會刊 (Journal of the Society for the Advancement of Buddhism)1927MFQ 26
Sānjué cóngkān 三覺叢刊 (Three Enlightenments Collectanea)1926MFQ 27
Hóngcí fóxuéyuàn niánkān 弘慈佛學院年刊 (Hongci Seminary Yearbook)1930?MFQ 27
Fóhuà suíkān 佛化隨刊 (Buddhistic Occasional)1929?MFQ 28
Běiping fóhuà yùekān 北平佛化月刊 (Beiping Buddhistic Monthly)1933?MFQ 29, 137
Fóxué yuèbào 佛學月報 (Buddhism Monthly)1925MFQ 29Sometimes indexed incorrectly as Fóxué yuèkān 佛學月刊; Hànyáng 漢陽, Húběi 湖北
Zhèng júe 正覺 (True Awakening)1930MFQ 29Also called 正覺雜誌
Xīzàng Bānchán zhùjīng bàngōngchù yuèkān 西藏班禪駐京辦公處月刊 (Beijing Office of the Tibetan Panchen Lama Monthly)1929MFQ 30
Wēiyīn yuèkān 威音月刊 (Mighty Sound Monthly)1930MFQ 31-44Also indexed as Wēiyīn 威音; Shànghǎi 上海
Sìchuān Fójiàotuán diànqǐng zhèngfǔ gǎidìng sìmiào guǎnlǐ tiáolì tèkān 四川佛教團體電請政府改定寺廟管理條例特刊 (Special Publication on Sichuan Buddhist Groups Requesting by Telegraph that the Government Amend the Rules Governing Temples)MFQ 45
Dà Fóxué bào大佛學報 (The Great Buddhist Journal)1930MFQ 45
Yíchāng jūshìlín línkān 宜昌居士林林刊 (Association Journal of the Yichang Lay Buddhist Association)1936?MFQ 45
Zhōng Rì mìjiāo 中日密教 (Sino-Japanese Esotericism)1934MFQ 45
Fóxué zhōukān - xīnbào 佛學周刊‧新報 (Buddhist Weekly - New Edition)1935?MFQ 45Also indexed as Fóxué zhōukān 佛學周刊
Liánlòushēng 蓮漏聲 (Sound of the Dripping Lotus)1939?MFQ 45
Fǎhǎi bōlán 法海波瀾 (Great Waves of the Dharma Sea)1930?MFQ 46Same as 金山法海波瀾, MFQB 40?
Fójiào pínglùn 佛教評論 (Buddhist Critic)1931MFQ 46
Língquán tōngxìn 靈泉通信 (Spirituous Spring Dispatch)MFQ 46
Fóxué bànyuèkān 佛學半月刊 (Buddhism Semimonthly)1930 - 1944MFQ 47-55Shànghǎi 上海
Dùzhōu yuèbāo 渡舟月報 (Ship of Salvation Monthly))1937MFQ 56
Jìngzōng yuèkān 淨宗月刊 (Pure [Land] School Monthly)1948MFQ 56Wēiyuǎn 威遠, Sìchuān 四川
Juémí 覺迷 (Awakening Perplexity)1947?MFQ 56
Nèiyuàn zákān 內院雜刊 (Inner Hall Miscellany)MFQ 56Nánjīng 南京, Chinese Inner Studies Institute 支那內學院
Xuésēng tiāndì 學僧天地 (Learned Monastic World)1948MFQ 56
Sìchuān fójiào yuèkān 四川佛教月刊 (Sichuan Buddhist Monthly)1931MFQ 57-60Chéngdū 成都
Zhèngxìn 正信 (Right Faith)1932MFQ 60-63Hànkǒu 漢口; Also published as Zhèngxìn zhōukān 正信周刊 and Zhèngxìn kàngzhàn bànyuèkān 正信抗戰半月刊
Fóxué chūbǎn jiè 佛學出版界 (Buddhist Publishing World)1932MFQ 64Shànghǎi 上海; Full name 佛學出版界雜誌
Fójiào zázhì 佛教雜志 (Buddhist Magazine)1934MFQ 64
Fójiào jūshìlín tèkān 佛教居士林特刊 (Buddhist Lay Association Special Publication)1933?MFQ 65
Xiàndài sēngqié 現代僧伽 (Modern Sangha)1928MFQ 66-67, 139Minnan Buddhist Seminary 閩南佛學院, later Cháozhōu 潮州
Xiàndài Fójiào 現代佛教 (Modern Buddhism)1932MFQ 67-69Continuation of Xiàndài sēngqié 現代僧伽 (Modern Sangha)
Mìjiào jiǎngxí lù 密教講習錄 (Record of Lectures on Esotericism)MFQ 69
Rén hǎidēng 人海燈 (Altar-Lamp of Humanity)1933MFQ 69-70, 140-141Published in Xiàmén 廈門, Hong Kong 香港 and Shànghái 上海
Juéshè niánkān 覺社年刊 (Awakening Society Yearly)1934?MFQ 71, 136
Sānjiào yuèkān 三教月刊 (Three Teachings Monthly)1935MFQ 71
Quànshì wénkān 勸世文刊 (Literature to Exhort the World)1936?MFQ 72
Běipíng fójiàohuì yuèkān 北平佛教會月刊 (Běipíng Buddhist Association Monthly)1935MFQ 72-75Běijīng 北京
Shānxī Fójiào zázhì 山西佛教雜誌 (Shānxī Buddhist Magazine)1934MFQ 75, 140
Yōnghé gōng dǎoguān suǒ kānwù 雍和宮導觀所刊物 (Items Published by the Caretakers of the Yōnghé Temple)1934MFQ 76
Qītǎ Bào'ēn Fóxuéyuàn yuànkān 七塔報恩佛學院院刊 (Journal of the Qītǎ Bào'ēn Buddhist Seminary)October 1936MFQ 76Níngbō 寧波, only 1 issue
Jìngtǔzōng yuèkān 淨土宗月刊 (Pure Land School Monthly)1935?MFQ 77
Zhōngguó Fójiàohuì bào 中國佛教會報 (Periodical of the Chinese Buddhist Association)1936?MFQ 78
Fóhuà 佛化 (Buddhism)1933MFQ 78
Fójiào yǔ Fóxué 佛教與佛學 (Buddhism and Buddhist)1935MFQ 78-79Singapore 新加坡
Hùshēng bào 護生報 (Protecting Life)1935?MFQ 79
Fóhǎidēng 佛海燈 (Lamp of the Buddha Sea)1935?MFQ 79
Fójiào túshūguǎn bàogào 佛教圖書館報告 (Report of the Buddhist Library)1936MFQ 79
Fóguāng jìkān 佛光季刊 (Buddha-Light Quarterly)1949MFQ 79
Hàn-Zàng jiàolǐyuàn lì'àn wénjiàn huìbiān 漢藏教理院立案文件彙編 (Collection of Registered Documents for the Sino-Tibetan Institute)1936MFQ 80
Rì Huá Fójiào 日華佛教 (Sino-Japanese Buddhism)1936MFQ 80
Tóngyuàn xuébào 同願學報 (Common Vow Journal)1940MFQ 80
Cíháng huàbào 慈航畫報 (Ship of Compassion Illustrated)1933?MFQ 80
Fójiào yuèbào 佛教月報MFQ 80, 139Not the 1913 publication?
Rénjiān jué 人間覺 (Humanistic Awakening)1936MFQ 81Xiàmén 廈門
Fójiào gōnglùn 佛教公論 (Public Opinion on Buddhism)1936MFQ 82, 146
Liánshè huìkān 蓮社會刊 (Lotus Society)1934MFQ 82
Dàshēng bào 大生報 (Great Life)1936MFQ 83
Zhōngguó Fójiào xuéyuàn niánkān 中國佛教學院年刊 (Chinese Institute for Buddhist Studies Annual)MFQ 83
Wēimiào shēng 微妙聲 (Subtle Voice)1936MFQ 84Běijīng 北京 by the Bodhi Study Society 菩提學會
Wēimiào shēng - Hùyuàn tèkān 微妙聲-護院特刊 (Subtle Voice - Special Edition on Hùyuàn)1936MFQ 85
Juéjīn zázhì 覺津雜志 (Ferry of Awakening Magazine)1936MFQ 86
Fóhuà xīnwén 佛化新聞 (Buddhist News)1937 - 1942?MFQ 86Chóngqìng 重慶, Chéngdū 成都
Dōngyà Fójiào qīngnián hūshēng 東亞佛教青年呼聲 (The Call of East Asian Buddhist Youth)1938MFQ 86
Fójiào nǚzhòng 佛教女眾 (Buddhist Women's Sangha)1937MFQ 87
Fójiào jìkān 佛教季刊 (Buddhism Quarterly)1937MFQ 87
Luóhàn cài (羅漢菜 Arhat’s Cuisine)1939MFQ 87-88Shànghǎi 上海; Full name 羅漢菜雜誌
Jué yǒuqíng 覺有情 (Bodhisattva)1939MFQ 89-90Shànghǎi 上海
Huánán juéyīn 華南覺音 (South China Voice of Awakening)1938MFQ 90
Chénzhōng 晨鐘 (Morning Bell)1939MFQ 90
Tóngyuàn 同願 (Common Vow)1940MFQ 91Běijīng 北京
Xīběi Fójiào zhōubào 西北佛教週報 (Northwest Buddhism Weekly)1940MFQ 91
Fóhuà pínglùn 佛化評論 (Buddhist Critique)1940MFQ 91
Juéyīn 覺音 (Voice of Awakening)1939MFQ 92Hong Kong 香港 and Macao 澳門; Two publications with the name title published in different cities
Huáběi zōngjiào niánjiàn 華北宗教年鑑 (Almanac of Religion in North China)1941MFQ 93-94
Shīzi hǒu yuèkān 獅子吼月刊 (Lion's Roar Monthly)1940MFQ 94, 103Also known as 獅吼 and 獅吼月刊
Rénjiān Fójiào 人間佛教 (Humanistic Buddhism)1947MFQ 94, 100Singapore 新加坡
Liánchíhuì wén 蓮池會聞 (Lotus Pond Assembly News)1941MFQ 97
Dàxióng 大雄 (Great Hero)1942MFQ 97, 105Sìchuān 四川 and Shǎnxī 陜西; Two separate publications with the same title?
Miàofǎ lún 妙法輪 (Wheel of the Wondrous Dharma)1943MFQ 97
Fójiào wényì 佛教文藝 (Buddhist Literature and Arts)1943MFQ 98
Zhōngguó Fójiào jìkān 中國佛教季刊 (Chinese Buddhism Quarterly)1943MFQ 98
Hónghuà yuèkān 弘化月刊 (Spreading the Teaching Monthly)1941 - 1958MFQ 98, 136-137Shànghǎi 上海
Zhōngliú 中流 (Midstream)1947MFQ 98Zhènjiāng 鎮江; Full name 中流月刊?
Wénjiào cóngkān 文教叢刊 (Culture and Education Monograph Series)1945MFQ 99-100Sìchuān 四川
Péidū Cíyúnsì sēnglǚ jiùhùduì jìniànkān 陪都慈雲寺僧侶救護隊紀念刊 (Memorial Edition for the Monastic Rescue Squad of Cíyún Temple in the War-time Capital)1945MFQ 100
Juéqún zhōubào 覺群週報 (Awakening the Multitude Weekly News)1946MFQ 101-102Shànghǎi 上海
Yuányīn yuèkān 圓音月刊 (Buddha's Voice[2] Monthly)1947MFQ 102
Juéxùn yuèkān 覺訊 (Awakening News)1947MFQ 103Shànghǎi 上海; Full name 覺訊月刊?
Shìjiān jiě 世間解 (Worldly Salvation)1947MFQ 104
Táiwān Fójiào 臺灣佛教 (Taiwanese Buddhism)1947MFQ 104, 133?Not to be confused with the 臺灣佛教 published in 1941, see MFQ 107-122
Cíháng 慈航(期刊) (Ship of Compassion)1947MFQ 104, MFQBFull name 慈航月刊?
Fójiào wénzhāi 佛教文摘 (Buddhist Digest)1947MFQ 105Wúxí 無錫
Fójiào rénjiān 佛教人間 (Buddhist Humanity)1950?MFQ 106Singapore 新加坡
Mǐnnán Fóxuéyuàn tèkān 閩南佛學院特刊 (Mǐnnán Buddhist Seminary Special Edition)1943MFQ 106
Nányíng Fójiào 南瀛佛教(South Seas Buddhism)1923MFQ 107-122Also known as South Seas Buddhist Association News (南瀛佛教會會報 1923 - January 1930) and Taiwanese Buddhism (臺灣佛教 February 1941 - December 1941)
Zhōngdào 中道 (Middle Way)1923MFQ 123-124Táizhōng 臺中
Jìngyè yuèkān 淨業月刊 (Pure Karma Monthly)1926MFQ 124-127
Sìchuān fójiào xúnkān 四川佛教旬刊 (Sìchuān Buddhism Weekly)1925?MFQ 128
Xiānluó Fójiào cóngtán 暹羅佛教叢譚 (Collected Discourses on Siamese Buddhism)MFQ 128
Pínqiéyīn bànyuèkān 頻伽音半月刊 (Kalaviṇka’s Cry Monthly)1926MFQ 129
Fóhuà xīnwén zhōukān 佛化新聞週刊 (Buddhist News Weekly)1937MFQ 129Chóngqìng 重慶, moved to Chéngdū 成都 in 1939
Shìjiè Fójiào júshìlín kèchéng guīyuē 世界佛教居士林課程規約 (Course Outline for the World Buddhist Lay Association)MFQ 129
Fǎyǔ yuèbào 法雨月報 (Dharma Rain Monthly)1931MFQ 129
Zhāngzhōu Nánshān xuéxiào xiàokān 漳州南山學校校刊 (Journal of the Zhāngzhōu Nánshān School)1928MFQ 129
Yínxiàn Fójiàohuì huìkān 鄞縣佛教會會刊 (Journal of the Yín County Buddhist Association)1934MFQ 130
Xǐ bào 喜報 (Good News)MFQ 130
Huìdēng yuèkān 慧燈月刊 (Lamp of Wisdom Monthly)1942?MFQ 130
Jìngfó yuèkān 敬佛月刊 (Honoured Buddha Monthly)1935MFQ 130-131
Guānzōng gàikuàng 觀宗概況 (General Report on the Guānzōng [School])1936?MFQ 131
Dàshèng 大乘 (Mahāyāna)1939?MFQ 131
Wúxī Fójiào jìngyèzhè niánkān 無錫佛教淨業社年刊 (Wúxī Buddhist Pure Karma Society Annual)1937MFQ 132
Hóng'áo jí 鴻嗷輯 (Cry of the Starving)1934MFQ 133
Xīzāi zhuānkān 息灾專刊 (Special Edition on Disaster Relief)1928?MFQ 133-134
Tiānjīn Fójiào júshìlín línkān 天津佛教居士林林刊 (Journal of the Tiānjīn Lay Buddhist Association)1928?MFQ 134
Nánxūn jí 南詢集 (Collection of Southern Inquiries)[3]1935MFQ 134
Mògānshān liánshè tèkān 莫干山蓮社特刊 (Special Edition on the Mògān Mountain Lotus Society)1937MFQ 134
Shānxī Fójiào yuèkān 山西佛教月刊 (Shānxī Buddhism Monthly)1929MFQ 135
Fójiào shūjú túshū mùlù 佛教書局圖書目錄 (Index of Books by Buddhist Publishers)1930?MFQ 135
Pínqié yīn suíkān 頻伽音隨刊 (Kalaviṇka’s Cry Occasional)1930 - 1934?MFQ 136Guǎngzhōu 廣州
Fójiào zázhì 佛教雜誌 (Buddhism Magazine)MFQ 137Separate publication from that in MFQ 75?
Hǎicháo yīn 海潮音 (Sound of the Sea Tide)1920MFQ 147-204Shànghǎi, Hángzhōu, Běijīng, Hánkǒu, Wǔchāng, Chóngqìng, Nánjīng
Fóhuà 佛化 (The Decadal Edition is Buddhism)[4]1921MFQB 1Shànghǎi 上海; See also the later periodical of the same name in MFQ 78
Fóxué huìkān 佛學匯刊 (Collectanea of Buddhism)1923MFQB 2Shànghǎi 上海; Only two issues published
Hónghuà tèkān 宏化特刊 (Special Edition on Vast Conversion)1922MFQB 2Shànghǎi 上海
Bānchán dōnglái jì 班禪東來記 (Record of the Panchen Lama's Visit to the East)1925MFQB 2Shànghǎi 上海
Fóxuéyuàn dìyībān tóngxuélù 佛學院第一班同學錄 (Record of the First Class of the (Wǔchāng) Buddhist Seminary)1924MFQB 4
Táiwān Fójiào xīnbào 臺灣佛教新報 (Taiwanese Buddhism - New Issue)1925MFQB 4Táiběi 臺北
Sūchéng yǐnpín huì xúnkān 蘇城隱貧會旬刊 (Weekly Publication of the Sūzhōu Association for the Poor)1925MFQB 5Sūzhōu 蘇州
Sūchéng yǐnpín huì xúnkān huìbiān 蘇城隱貧會旬刊匯編 (Collected Articles from the Weekly Publication of the Sūzhōu Association for the Poor)1926MFQB 6Sūzhōu 蘇州
Juéshè cóngshū xuǎnběn 覺社叢書選本 (Selected Writings from the Awakening Society Collectanea)1925?MFQB 13Wǔchāng 武昌
Fóhuà xúnkān 佛化旬刊(上海) (Buddhist Weekly (Shànghǎi))1925MFQB 14Shànghǎi 上海
Fóhuà jìkān 佛化季刊 (Buddhist Quarterly)1925MFQB 14Cháoān 潮安? - Single Issue
Shìjiè Fójiào jūshìlín quànmù jījīnhuì tèkān 世界佛教居士林勸募基金會特刊 (Special Publication from the Fund-raising Committee of the World Lay Buddhist Association)1925MFQB 14Shànghǎi 上海
Jiāyīnshè zhōukān 迦音社周刊 (The Buddha's Voice Society Weekly)1925MFQB 15Hángzhōu 杭州 - Only one issue (#67) in MFQB
Jīnguāngmíng fǎhuì tèkān 金光明法會特刊 (Special Publication of the Jīnguāngmíng Dharma Assembly)1926MFQB 15Tiānjīn 天津 - Single Issue
Xīndēng 心燈 (Light of the Mind)1926MFQB 15-16Shànghǎi 上海
Zhōngguó Fóxué 中國佛學 (Chinese Buddhism)1928MFQB 22Nánjīng 南京 - Single Issue
Zàngmín shēnglèi 藏民聲涙[5] (Tearful Cry of the Tibetan People)1928MFQB 22Nánjīng 南京 - Single Issue
Chénzhōng 晨鐘(蘇州) (Morning Bell (Sūzhōu))1927MFQB 32Sūzhōu 蘇州 - Only three issues published; Separate from the publication of the same name in MFQ 90
Fóbǎo xúnkān 佛寶旬刊 (Buddha Treasures Weekly)1927MFQB 33Běijīng 北京
Zhōnghuá mínguó Fójiào jīguān diàochá lù 中華民國佛教機關調查錄 (Record of the Investigation into Buddhist Organizations in the Republic of China)1929MFQB 33Tài county 泰縣, Jiāngsū 江蘇 - Only two issues published; Also indexed as 全國佛教機關調查録
Zhèjiāng quánshěng Fójiàohuì xún (yuè) kān 浙江全省佛教會旬(月)刊 (All-Zhèjiāng Buddhist Association Weekly (Monthly))1928MFQB 33Hángzhōu 杭州 - Changed to a monthly in 1929
Huàfó zàoxiàng 化佛造像 (Images of Huàfó)1929MFQB 38Shànghǎi 上海 - Showcases the Buddha images of Qián Sūhàn 錢蘇漢, also called Huàfó 化佛; Only one issue (#1) in MFQB
Zhōngshēng 鐘聲 (Sound of the Bell)1930MFQB 39Shànghǎi 上海 - Single Issue
Nèiyuàn zákān (Fófǎ fēi zōngjiào fēi zhéxué) 內院雜刊(佛法非宗教非哲學) (Inner Studies Institute Magazine - Buddhism is Neither Religion Nor Philosophy Edition)1937?MFQB 39Nánjīng? 南京 - Single Issue
Jiāngnán jiǔhuá fóxuéyuàn yuànkān 江南九華佛學院院刊 (Publication of the Jiǔhuá, Jiāngnán Buddhist Studies Institute)1931MFQB 41Shànghǎi 上海, single issue
Sīmíngxiàn Fójiàohuì huìkān 思明縣佛教會會刊 (Publication of the Sīmíng County Buddhist Association)1931MFQB 42Sīmíng County 思明縣, Fújiàn 福建
Xīnán hépíng fǎhuì tèkān 西南和平法會特刊 (Special Publication of the Southeast Dharma Assembly for Peace)1931MFQB 42Chóngqìng 重慶, single issue
Jiěxīng jīngshè dìyīcì tèkān 解行精舍第一次特刊 (First Special Publication of the Jiěxíng Hermitage)1932MFQB 46Guǎngzhōu 廣州, single issue
Shìjiè Fójiào júshìlín chéngjī bàogàoshū 世界佛教居士林成績報告書 (Report on the Achievements of the World Lay Buddhist Association)1933MFQB 46Shànghǎi 上海, single issue
Hónghuǎ tèkān 弘化特刊 (Special Issue on Spreading the Teaching)1930MFQB 46Yúnnán 雲南, only one issue reprinted
Xiānghǎi Fóhuà kān 香海佛化刊 (Fragrant Ocean Buddhist Periodical)1932MFQB 47Hong Kong 香港
Shìdēng Fóxué yuèkān 世燈佛學月刊 (Light of the World Buddhist Monthly)1934MFQB 48Shàntóu 汕頭, also indexed simply as Shìdēng 世燈 (see MMQ)
Róngxiàn Fóxué yuèkān 榮縣佛學月刊 (Róng County Buddhist Monthly)1933MFQB 50Róng County 榮縣, Sìchuān 四川
Hóngshàn huìbào 宏善匯報 (Great Benevolence Report)1935MFQB 52Xiàmén 廈門
Guǎngcháng shé 廣長舌 (Broad and Long Tongue)1930MFQB 53Shànghǎi 上海
Shìjiè Fóxuéyuàn Hàn-Zàng jiàolǐyuàn niánkān 世界佛學苑漢藏教理院年刊 (Sino-Tibetan Institute of the World Buddhist Studies Center Annual)1934MFQB 53Chóngqìng 重慶, single issue
Jiāshā 袈裟 (Kaṣāya)1935MFQB 54Quánzhōu 泉州, 6 issues total
Běijīng Fóxué shūjú Fóxué túshūguǎn mùlù 北京佛學書局佛學圖書館目錄 (Catalogue of the Buddhist Library of Beijing Buddhist Books)1938MFQB 55Běijīng 北京, single issue
Fóxué shūmù 佛學書目 (Buddhist Book Catalogue)1936MFQB 55Běijīng 北京, single issue
Shíyǔ 時雨 (Occasional Rain?)1936MFQB 55Shànghǎi 上海, only one issue ever published
Xiāngxùn 香汛 (Fragrant Water)1935MFQB 56Shànghǎi 上海, only one issue reprinted
Fóxué cóngkān 佛學叢刊 (Buddhist Collectanea)1936MFQB 56-57Quánzhōu 泉州, Shànghǎi 上海
Chóngxīng Qīngliáng sì shuǐlù fǎhuì tèkān 重興清涼寺水陸法會特刊 (Special Issue on the Dharma Assembly of Water and Land Reviving Qīngliáng Temple)1937MFQB 58Shànghǎi 上海
Shànghǎi chúnshànhuì tèkān 上海純善社特刊 (Special Publication of the Shànghǎi Pure Benevolence Society)1938MFQB 58Shànghǎi 上海, single issue
Jīn'gāng bànyuè kān 金剛半月刊 (Vajra Semimonthly)1938MFQB 59Shànghǎi 上海, only one issue ever published
Chāojiàn zhàndì yīnglíng shuǐlù fǎhuì tèkān 超薦戰地英靈水陸法會特刊 (Special Publication for the Water and Land Dharma Assembly for Releasing the Souls of Fallen Soldiers)1938MFQB 59Shànghǎi 上海, single issue
Shīzi hǒu Fóxué yuèkān 獅子吼佛學月刊 (Lion's Roar Buddhist Monthly)1939MFQB 59Guǎngxī 廣西, only combined issue 1/2 reprinted
Fójiào tóngyuànhuì tèkān 佛教同願會特刊 (Special Publication of the Buddhist Common Vow Society)1939MFQB 59Běijīng 北京, single issue
Pútí tèkān 菩提特刊 (Bodhi Special Issue)1945?MFQB 59Penang 梹城, Malaysia 馬來西亞, single issue
Sùshí tèkān 素食特刊 (Special Issue on Vegetarianism)1943MFQB 59Shànghǎi 上海, single issue
Shīhǒu lóngxiào 獅吼龍嘯 (Lion's Roar Dragon's Hiss)1939MFQB 66Chóngqìng 重慶, single issue
Sūzhōu juéshè tèkān 蘇州覺社特刊 (Special Publication of the Sūzhōu Awakening Society)1935MFQB 67Sūzhōu 蘇州
Bǎojué tóngxué jìkān 寶覺同學季刊 (Bǎojué School Alumni Quarterly1941?-1961?MFQB 67Hong Kong 香港, only first issue reprinted
Fànshēng 梵聲 (Holy Voice?)1941MFQB 67Manchuria 滿州國, only two issues reprinted
Hóngfǎ dàshī jìniàn tèkān 弘法大師記念特刊 (Special Publication in Memory of Kūkai)1940MFQB 67Nánjīng 南京?, single issue
Yìnguāng dàshī jìniàn tèkān 印光大師紀念特刊 (Special Publication in Memory of Yìnguāng)1941MFQB 67single issue
Jiùjié tèkān 救劫特刊 (Special Issue on Salvation from Calamity)1930MFQB 73Ānhuī 安徽, only one issue published, reprinted in 1932
Fójiào zázhì 佛教雜志(1942) (Buddhist Magazine)1942MFQB 74Shànghǎi 上海, Wǔjiào Books 五教書局, separate from publication of same name in MFQ 64
Jīyīn fàngshēnghuì niánkān 積因放生會年刊 (Accumulating [Good] Karma and Releasing Life Society Annual)1942MFQB 74Jiāngsū 江蘇, only two issues published
Shìjiè Fóxuéyuàn Hàn-Zàng jiàolǐyuàn tèkān 世界佛學苑漢藏教理院特刊 (Special Publication of the Sino-Tibetan Institute of the World Buddhist Studies Center)1944MFQB 74Chóngqìng 重慶, single issue
Mùduó shēng 木鐸聲 (Sound of the Wooden Bell)1943MFQB 76Shànghǎi 上海, Dàodé Books 道德書局, only three issues published
Xīngzhōu Zhōngguó Fóxué 星洲中國佛學 (Singapore Chinese Buddhism)1946MFQB 76Singapore 新加坡
Jìngzōng suíkān 淨宗隨刊 (Pure Land School Occasional)1947MFQB 76Sìchuān 四川, only four issues published
Huá-Zàng shìjiè 華藏世界 (Sino-Tibetan World)1947MFQB 76Hángzhōu 杭州, only one issue published
Zhōngguó Fójiàohuì Shànghǎishì fēnhuì huìwù tèkān 中國佛教會上海分會會務特刊 (Special Publication of the Proceedings of the Shànghǎi Branch of the Buddhist Association of China)1948MFQB 76Shànghǎi 上海, single issue
Língyán xuébào 靈巖學報 (Língyán Scholarly Journal)1946MFQB 77Sìchuān 四川, only first issue republished
Nánxíng 南行 (Southern Travels?)1946 - 1949MFQB 77Continuation of Luóhǎn cài 羅漢菜, MFQ 87-88, seven issues published
Fènxùn jí 奮迅集 (Vikrama Collection)[6]1947MFQB 78Shànghǎi 上海, single issue
Fǎhǎi yìdī: jiěchù rénlèi huànkǔ zhī xiānshēng 法海一滴: 解除人類患苦之先聲 (One Drop of the Dharma Sea: An Initial Call to Relieve the Sufferings of Humankind)1947MFQB 78Shànghǎi 上海, only two issues published
Ǎitíng fǎshī jìniàn tèkān 靄亭法師紀念特刊 (Special Publication in Memory of Master Ǎitíng)1948MFQB 48Hong Kong 香港, single issue
Juéshì 覺世 (Awaken the World)1949MFQB 80Penang 檳城, Malaysia 馬來西亞, only first issue reprinted
Xīchuí xuānhuà shǐgōngshǔ yuèkān 西陲宣化使公署月刊 (Propagation Office of the Western Frontier Monthly)1935MFQB 80-82Nánjīng 南京
Fǎxiàng xuéshè kān 法相學社刊 (Publication of the Fǎxiàng Study Society)1948MFQB 82Shànghǎi 上海?
Jǐchǒu dùwáng lìshēng xízāi fǎhuì yīnshēng 己丑度亡利生息灾法會音聲 (Call of the Jǐchǒu-year Dharma Assembly for Bypassing Harm, Helping Life, and Averting Calamity)1949MFQB 82Shànghǎi 上海?, single issue
Hàorán yuèkān 浩然月刊 (Hàorán Monthly?)1949MFQB 82Singapore 新加坡, only three issues published
Nièshì jiāyán xúnkān 聶氏家言旬刊 Nièshì jiāyán xuǎnkān 聶氏家言選刊 (Niè Family Instructions Biweekly, Selected Niè Family Instructions)1925MFQB 83Shànghǎi 上海
Shìjiè Fóxuéyuàn Hàn-Zàng jiàolǐyuàn pǔtōngkē dìèrjiè bìyè tóngxuélù 世界佛學苑漢藏教理院普通科第二屆畢業同學錄 (Second Regular Class Graduation Student Record of the Sino-Tibetan Institute of the World Buddhist Studies Center)1932MFQB 83Chóngqìng 重慶


  1. At present there seems to be a bug so you must first click the arrow to sort by name before you can sort by date.
  2. See DDB entry on 圓音 for this translation
  3. A reference perhaps to Nánxūnlù 南詢錄 by Déng Huōqú 鄧豁渠, a late-Míng monk-scholar. See [1].
  4. English title from cover of first issue
  5. Title given as 藏民聲泪 in the MFQB index
  6. See DDB definition for 奮迅
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