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The 1910s was the decade that saw the fall of the Qīng dynasty, the establishment of the Republic of China 中華民國, and the start of the Warlord era.




  • 1911 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
  • Buddhist Events
  • Political Events
    • October 10: Wǔchāng Uprising 武昌起義, Xīnhài revolution begins


  • 1912 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
  • Buddhist Events
  • Political Events
    • January 1: Republic of China 中華民國 proclaimed, Mínguó 民國 era begins
    • February 12: Emperor Pǔyí 溥儀 formally abdicates, Xuāntǒng 宣統 era ends
    • March 10: Yuán Shìkǎi 袁世凱 takes office of President of the ROC
    • July 30: Meiji era ends, Taishō era begins in Japan
    • August 25: Founding of the Republican Party 國民黨


  • 1913 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
  • Buddhist Events
  • Political Events
    • March: Song Jiaoren 宋教仁 assassinated


  • 1914 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
  • Buddhist Events
    • March: Huáyán University 華嚴大學 moves to Hǎicháo Temple 海潮寺 in Hángzhōu 杭州
    • July: Fóxué cóngbào 佛學叢報 ceases publication
    • November: Yuányīng 圓瑛 begins a trip to Southeast Asia
  • Political Events
    • August 23: The Republic of China cancels German lease of Jiāozhōu Bay 膠州灣
    • November 7: Jiāozhōu Bay occupied by Japan


  • 1915 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
  • Buddhist Events
  • Political Events
    • January 18: Japan's "Twenty-One Demands" delivered to the Chinese government


  • 1916 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
  • Buddhist Events
    • Yuèxiá 月霞 becomes abbot of Xīngfú Temple 興福寺
  • Political Events
    • January 1: Yuan Shikai proclaimed Emperor of the Empire of China
    • March 22: Yuan Shikai abandons status of Emperor
    • June 5/6: Yuan Shikai dies
    • Start of the "Warlord Era"


  • 1917 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
  • Buddhist Events
  • Political Events
    • July 1: Qing Dynasty proclaimed restored by Zhang Xun 張勳
    • July 12: Qing restoration abandoned



  • 1919 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
  • Buddhist Events
    • April 17: Timothy Richard 李提摩太 dies in London
    • The Chinese Buddhist Association 中華佛教會 is shut down by the Běijīng 北京 Police
    • Dharmadhatu Seminary 法界學院 opens
    • The Tiānjīn Scriptural Press 天津刻經處 is founded by Xú Wèirú 徐蔚如 and others
    • At the end of the year, the headquarters of the Awakening Society 覺社 are moved from Shànghǎi 上海 to the Jìngfàn yuàn 淨梵院 on the West Lake in Hángzhōu 杭州
  • Political Events
    • May 4: Student demonstrations of the "May Fourth Movement" in Běijīng 北京
    • October 10: Sūn Zhōngshān 孫中山 establishes the Chinese Republican Party in Shànghǎi 上海

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