Jiangbei kejingchu 江北刻經處

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Northern Jiāngsū Scriptural Press: Jiāngběi kè jīng chǔ 江北刻經處

The earliest of the important Buddhist presses of the 20th century.

Founded by Miàokōng 妙空 (1826 - 1880; lay name Zhèng Xuéchuān 鄭學川)

Section Editor: Erik Hammerstrom

References and Resources

  • 武元康. "妙空法師和江北刻經處". 佛教文化, 1999 Vol. 1.
  • Shì Dōngchū 釋東初. Zhōngguó Fójiào jìndài shǐ 中國佛教近代史 (A History of Early Contemporary Chinese Buddhism), in Dōngchū lǎorén quánjí 東初老人全集 (Complete Collection of Old Man Dongchu), vols. 1-2. Taipei: Dongchu, 1974 P. 1.249.
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