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The 1860s saw the end of the second Opium War, the destructive Tàipíng Rebellion in China, and the establishment of the Meiji Emperor as political leader of Japan.



  • 1860 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
  • Buddhist Events
  • Political Events
    • March 18: Ansei era ends, Man'en era begins in Japan
    • October 18: Convention of Peking signed, ending the Second Opium War
    • October: Destruction of the Summer Palaces


  • 1861 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
  • Buddhist Events
  • Political Events
    • Zongli Yamen 總理各國事務衙門 (Foreign Office) established
    • February 19: Man'en era ends, Bunkyū era begins in Japan


  • 1862 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
  • Buddhist Events
  • Political Events
    • Tongwen Guan 同文館 foreign language school established
    • January 29: Xiánfēng era ends
    • January 30: Tóngzhì era begins


  • 1863 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
  • Buddhist Events
  • Political Events


  • 1864 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
  • Buddhist Events
  • Political Events
    • Most territories of the Taiping reclaimed by the Qing
    • March 27: Bunkyū era ends, Genji era begins in Japan


  • 1865 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
  • Buddhist Events
  • Political Events
    • May 1: Genji era ends, Keiō era begins in Japan
    • June 25: James Hudson Taylor founds the China Inland Mission



  • 1867 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
  • Buddhist Events
  • Political Events
    • January 30: Death of Emperor Kōmei 孝明天皇
    • February 3: Abdication of Shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu 徳川慶喜


  • 1868 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
  • Buddhist Events
  • Political Events
    • Tàipíng Yuánnián era ends
    • January 3: Meiji Emperor proclaims his restoration
    • August 22-23: Yángzhōu 揚州 riots against foreign missionary presence in China
    • October 23: Meiji era begins in Japan


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