Haichao yin 海潮音

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Hǎicháo yīn 海潮音 (Sound of the Sea Tide)

The longest running Chinese Buddhist periodical. Originally titled Juéshè cóngshū 覺社叢書, it began in 1918, but with the fifth issue of that periodical in 1920, it was rechristened the Hǎicháo yīn.

  • Run: On the mainland 1920 - April 1949 (352 total issues), it continues publishing to this day in Taiwan
  • Location(s): Shànghǎi, Hángzhōu, Běijīng, Hánkǒu, Wǔchāag, Chóngqìng, Nánjīng
  • Person(s): Tàixū 太虛 was chief editor until he died in March 1947. Others who edited it over the years: Shànyīn 善因,Shǐ Yìrú 史一如,Táng Dàyuán 唐大圓,Zhāng Huàshēng 張化聲,Huìjué 會覺,Léngqié shānmín 楞伽山民,Qián Chéngshàn 錢誠善,Mǎnzhì 滿智, Fǎfǎng 法舫,Zhīfēng 芝峰,Dàxǐng 大醒,Wěifǎng 葦舫,Chénkōng 塵空,and Fúshàn 福善.
  • Associated Organizations: Shanghai Buddhist Books 上海佛學書局



MFQ 205.57-58

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