Nanjing 南京

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Nánjīng 南京

Other names include: Jīnlíng 金陵; Jiāngníng 江寧; Tiānjīng 天京

Nearby Locations:
Jiāngnán 江南 Region

Article editor: Gregory Adam Scott

Geography Portal

Nánjīng 南京 was the capital of the Tàipíng state in the mid-nineteenth century, as well as the capital of the Nationalist government from 1928-1937.

Important Buddhist Sites

  • The Jinling Scriptural Press 金陵刻經處 was established by Yáng Wénhuì 楊文會 in 1866
  • The Chinese Inner Studies College 支那內學院 was established by Ōuyáng Jìan 歐陽漸 and Lǚ Chéng 呂澂 in 1922
    • The college published the periodical Inner Studies 內學 here
  • The Buddhist Normal School for Monastics 佛教師範僧學校 was founded here in 1910
  • Línggǔ Temple 靈谷寺 was founded in the 6th century on Zǐjīn Mountain 紫金山
  • Qīxiá Temple 栖霞寺 was founded in the 5th century and is situated 22 km. northeast of the city
  • Pílú (Vairocana) Temple 毘盧寺 was founded in the late 19th century with the support of Zēng Guóquán 曾國荃, by expanding a small hermitage that had been on the site since the Jiāqìng 嘉慶 era (1796-1820)
  • The Jiāngsū Saṇgha Normal Study Hall 江蘇僧師範學堂 was located here between 1909 and 1911

Other Notes

References and Resources

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