Nanjing 南京

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Nánjīng 南京

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  • In the late Qīng 清 the area was known as Jiāngníng 江寧
  • For a brief time under the Tàipíng 太平 state the city was called Tiānjīng 天京
  • Nánjīng was briefly chosen as the capital of the new Republic of China in 1912
  • The Nationalist government established their capital there from 1928 to 1937

Important Buddhist Sites

  • The Jinling Scriptural Press 金陵刻經處 was established by Yáng Wénhuì 楊文會 in 1866
  • The Chinese Inner Studies College 支那內學院 was established by Ōuyáng Jìan 歐陽漸 and Lǚ Chéng 呂澂 in 1922
  • Línggǔ Temple 靈谷寺 was founded in the 6th century on Zǐjīn Mountain 紫金山
  • Qīxiá Temple 栖霞寺 was founded in the 5th century and is situated 22 km. northeast of the city
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