Jue youqing 覺有情

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Jué yǒuqíng 覺有情
Also called Jué yǒuqíng bànyuè kān 覺有情半月刊
  • Print run: October 1, 1939 - 1953,[1] (246 total issues)

Jué yǒuqíng 覺有情 (Bodhisattva)[2] was a Chinese Buddhist periodical that was published in Shànghǎi 上海 from 1939 to the early 1950s.

Averaged roughly 15 pages per issue. In the first period, the focus of this magazine was on various writings and short discourses. It continued running during the Second Sino-Japanese War. It also provides information on more revolutionary attitudes among Buddhists following the establishment of the PRC in 1949, by which point it had become one of the major Buddhist periodicals in China.

Print Run

  • MFQ has 35 issues, many between 1946 - 1949, and four issues from 1941 - 1942
    • MFQ 89 spans from December 1, 1941 to August 1, 1948
    • MFQ 90, pp. 1-248 spans from September 1, 1948 to December 1, 1949
  • MFQB has many issues under the title 覺有情半月刊 from 1939 onward in Vols. 61-63
    • MFQB 61 spans from October 1, 1939 to March 1, 1943
    • MFQB 62 spans from April 1, 1943 to July 1, 1946
    • MFQB 63 spans from August 1, 1946 to December 1, 1951
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  1. Holmes Welch claims this periodical ran until 1955. See his Buddhist Revival in China, 281.
  2. This is the title of the magazine given in English on the cover.
  3. First two pages only
  4. Noted as an error in the next issue


  • MFQ 205:34-35
  • Welch, Holmes. The Buddhist Revival in China. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1968.
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