Shijie fojiao lianhe hui 世界佛教聯合會

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World Buddhist Federation: Shìjiè fójiào liánhé huì 世界佛教聯合會

A summer lecture series, spearheaded by Tàixū 太虛 with international participants, that ran during 1923 and 1924 at Dàlín Temple 大林寺 on Lúshān 廬山.

First Session: July 23 - August 11, 1923

Organized as a lecture series by Yán Shǎofú 嚴少孚 and Tàixū. According to Holmes Welch, the title of this organization was a spontaneous decision on Yán's part, and the audience was about 100 people.

Second Session: July 13 - 15, 1924

The success of these two meetings led, in 1925, to the first East Asian Buddhist Conference 東亞佛教大會, which took place in Japan.

Participants: First Session

  • Edo Sentaro 江戶千太郎
  • Inada Ensai 稻田圓成

Participants: Second Session

  • Kimura Taiken 木村泰賢
  • Saeki Teiin 佐伯定胤


Welch, Holmes. The Buddhist Revival in China. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1968), 55-56.

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