Xianming 現明

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Xiànmíng 現明 (1880-1941)
  • Lay surname 名: Wáng 王
  • Style name 號: Yǒngzhī 永芝
  • Courtesy name 字:
  • Dharma name 法名: Xiànmíng 現明
  • Born 1880 (Guāngxù 光緒 6) in Héngzhōu 衡州, Hú'nán 湖南
  • Died DATE and PLACE
Notable Associates:
  • Article editor: Erik Hammerstrom

Xiànmíng 現明 (1880-1941) and a short bio.



Xiànmíng received a traditional education growing up. In 1902 he took tonsure under the abbot of Mt. Báiyún 白雲山 in Qíyáng 祁陽. During the winter of the following year he received the full precepts under Vinaya Master Huáyá 華崕 at Xīchán Temple 西禪寺 in Héngyáng 衡陽. He then returned to Mt. Báiyún and began studying the scriptures under Míngguǒ 明果.

In 1909 Dàojiē 道階 came back to Héngyáng from Běijīng 北京 to transmit the the precepts, and Xiànmíng helped him with the process. He began studying with Dàojiē, and followed him to the capitol in 1913, when the latter was appointed abbot of Fa3yuan2 Temple 法源寺. Dàojiē made him superintendent 監院 of the monastery, meanwhile, Xiànmíng continued his studies.

In 1916, the various Buddhist elders of Běijīng selected Xiànmíng to be abbot of Guǎngjì Temple 廣濟寺. Reconstruction began in 1918 and was completed in 1924. The year in which reconstruction was complete, Xiànmíng and Dàojiē established at the temple Běijīng's first modern Buddhist seminary 佛學院, called the Hóngcí Buddhist Seminary 弘慈佛學院. And in 1927, Xiànmíng opened an elementary school at the temple. Xiànmíng transmitted the dharma to Xiǎnzōng 顯宗 in 1928 and retired from the abbotship in order to practice in seclusion.

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