Guanzong jiangsi 觀宗講寺

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Guānzōng Lecture Temple 觀宗講寺

  • Originally the Hall of Sixteen Meditations 十六觀堂 in the Yánqìng Temple 延慶寺, founded in 953 CE (Later Zhōu dynasty 後周, Guǎngshùn 廣順 3)
  • Located in Níngbō 寧波, Zhèjiāng 浙江
  • Lineage: Tiāntái 天台

In 1912 Dìxián 諦閑 took over as abbot, renovated the hall and renamed it Guānzōngjiǎng Temple. Under Dìxián's leadership, the Guānzōng Research Society 觀宗研究社 was established in the temple in 1918. It gradually became the center of Tiāntái for all of China. In 1932, after Dìxián's death, abbotship was taken over by Bǎojìng 寶靜. In 1945 Gēnhuì 根慧 became the abbot.

Gregory Adam Scott



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