Foxue chuban jie 佛學出版界

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Fóxué chūbǎn jiè 佛學出版界
Buddhist Publishing World
  • Associated Location(s):
  • Associated Person(s): Yú Liǎowēng 餘了翁, editor
  • Associated Organization(s): Shanghai Buddhist Books 上海佛學書局

Fóxué chūbǎn jiè 佛學出版界 (Buddhist Publishing World) was a catalog put out on an irregular basis by Shanghai Buddhist Books 上海佛學書局.

The first two issues are each around 160 pages in length, the last is 120. Note that a similar publication, The China Bookman 基督教出版界, had been produced by Christian publishers in China since 1918.

  • MFQ has all 3 issues



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