Fojiao pinglun 佛教評論

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Fójiào pínglùn 佛教評論 (Buddhist Critic)

A Buddhist periodical.

  • Run: 1931 - ?? (likely only one year, as the Mukden incident basically shut down the temple where it was published in September of the same year it began)
  • Location(s): Bǎilín Temple 柏林寺
  • Person(s): Táiyuán 台源
  • Associated Organizations: Buddhist Critic Society 佛教評論社, likely associated with the Bólín Institute 柏林教理院

Printed by Guāngmíng 光明 Printing. The goals of this periodical were researching and discussing Buddhism, discussing the economics of the monastic system, and using the Buddha’s teaching to teach people in society. It included photos, research, history of foreign affairs, reportage, literature, monk literature, editorials in each volume. It averaged about 120 pages per issue, with later issues being longer than earlier ones.

MFQ has 3 issues (1-3).

Gregory Adam Scott


MFQ 205.16-17

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