Quanzhou 泉州

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Quánzhōu 泉州

Other names include: Lǐchéng 鯉城

Nearby Locations:
Geography Portal

Quánzhōu 泉州 is a coastal city in Fújiàn 福建, located roughly midway between Fúzhōu 福州 and Xiàmén 廈門.

Important Buddhist Sites

Other Notes

  • Xūyún 虛雲 was born here on July 29, 1840 (Dàoguāng 道光 20)
  • Yuányīng 圓瑛 lived here in the mid 1920s, while serving as abbot of Kāiyuán Temple 開元寺
  • Hóngyī 弘一 died here on October 13, 1942 (Mínguó 民國 31)
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