Renjian fojiao 人間佛教

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Rénjiān fójiào 人間佛教 (Humanistic Buddhism)

A Singaporean, bilingual Chinese-English Buddhist periodical.

  • Run: 1947–? (at least 6 issues), then changed its name to 佛教人間
  • Location(s): Singapore, Zàngjīng gé 藏經閣
  • Person(s):
  • Associated Organizations:

Notes Monthly. Printed by Nányáng 南洋 Printing. Formerly called Chinese Buddhism 中國佛學. Devoted to promoting humanistic Buddhism. All the articles in this monthly were written by people from either the Sino-Tibetan Institute 漢藏教理院 or the Wuchang Buddhist Seminary 武昌佛學院.


MFQ 205.44

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