Zaijia bidu neidian 在家必讀內典

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Essential Buddhist Texts for Laypeople 在家必讀內典

  • First published in July, 1931 by the Chinese Inner Studies Institute 支那內學院
  • Compiled by Ōuyáng Jiàn 歐陽漸 at the request of Dài Jìtáo 戴季陶
  • Republished by 臺北中華大典編印會中華學術院佛學研究所 in 1972, and by 新文豐 in 1975
  • More than 100,000 copies have been printed to date[1]
  • A volume based on this text, 在家教徒必讀經典, was published in the PRC in 1994


For canonical texts, their location in the Taishō canon is given.

  • Essential reading for men 男子必讀者七種:
    • [佛說]父母恩重難報經
    • 大方便佛報恩經-孝養品 (T3.127b23)
    • 佛說孛經[抄] (T17.729a03)
    • [佛說]演道俗業經 (T17.834a16)
    • 善生經 [Part 16 of the 佛說長阿含經] (T1.70a19)
    • 十善業道經
    • 優婆塞戒經-受戒品 (T24.1047a25)
  • Essential reading for women 女子必讀者七種:
    • [佛說]鹿母經 (T3.455a16)
    • 銀色女經 (T3.450a11)
    • 玉耶女經 [also called 玉耶經] (T2.865c19)
    • [佛說]長者法志妻經 (T14.944b19)
    • [佛說]七女經 (T14.907c10)
    • [佛說]月上女經 (T14.615b03)
    • 優婆夷淨行法門經 (T14.951b20)
  • Essential reading for men and women 男女所共讀:
    • 四十二章經 (T17.722a11)


  • Chén Tiānxí 陳天錫. Zēngdìng Dài Jìtáo (Chuánxián) xiānshēng biānnián zhuàn jì 增訂戴季陶(傳賢)先生編年傳記. Jìndài Zhōngguó shǐliào cóngkān xùbiān 近代中國史料叢刊續編, Vol. 43. [Taibei xian, Yonghe]: Wenhai chubanshe, [1967?], 122-123.
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