Xiandai sengqie 現代僧伽

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Xiàndài sēngqié

Xiàndài sēngqié 現代僧伽 (Modern Sangha)

A Chinese Buddhist periodical.

  • Run: March 1928 – April 1932 (then the name was changed to Xiàndài fójiào zhōukān 現代佛教周刊)
  • Location(s): First at Minnan Buddhist Seminary 閩南佛學院, later Cháozhōu 潮州
  • Person(s): Dàxǐng 大醒
  • Associated Organizations: Xiàndài sēngqié shè 現代僧伽社

Printed by Fēngxíng 風行 Publishing. Published quarterly, it averaged about 100 pages per issue. When Dàxǐng went to Cháozhōu in April, 1932 and the name was changed to Xiàndài fójiào zhōukān 現代佛教周刊 (Modern Buddhism Weekly). The goals of this publication were the formation of a modern sangha, and the promotion of modern Buddhism and society. It included reporting on current events. After it became a monthly it began to focus on research into the principles of Buddhism and thus became much more academic. It took on hot topics of the day, like the editor’s call for instituting monastic exams.

MFQ has 20 issues. Starting from vol. 1929-1930 (published together around 450 pages). It also has 7 issues from 1928 and 2 from 1930 in vol. 139.



MFQ 205.21

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