Youzheng shuju 有正書局

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Yǒuzhèng Press 有正書局
Masthead from book catalogue, 1921?-1923?
Notable Associates:

Yǒuzhèng Press 有正書局 was a publisher originally established in 1904 to publish the periodical Shíbào 時報 (Eastern Times). In 1912 one of its founders Dí Chǔqīng 狄楚青 used the press to begin publishing Foxue congbao 佛學叢報 (Buddhist Miscellany), the earliest Buddhist periodical in China.The press also distributed Buddhist texts printed by the Jīnlíng Scriptural Press 金陵刻經處.

The press was based on Shànghǎi and had branches in Běijīng 北京 and Tiānjīn 天津, both of which were established in the 1900s. The press ceased operations in 1943.

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  • Fàn Mùhán 范慕韓, ed. Zhōngguó yìnshuā jìndài shǐ (chūgǎo) 中國印刷近代史(初稿). Běijīng: Yìnshuā gōngyè chūbǎnshe, 1995. Pp. 273-275.
  • Judge, Joan. Print and Politics: 'Shibao' and the Culture of Reform in Late Qing China. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1996.
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