Yiguang 怡光

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Yíguāng 怡光 (1874-1930)
  • Lay surname 姓: Yú 余
  • Name 名: Zōngyào 宗耀
  • Born 1874 (Tónghzì 同治 13) in Ráopíng County 饒平縣, Gaung3dong1 廣東
  • Died 2/18 (according to the lunar calendar), 1930 at Diéshí Cliff Hermitage 疊石巖 in Nán'ào County 南澳縣
Notable Associates:
  • Article editor: Erik Hammerstrom

Abbot Yíguāng 怡光 (1874-1930) rebuilt Kāiyuán Temple 開元寺 in Cháozhōu 潮州 in the early 20th century.



Yíguāng was born into a very poor family, and was given by his parents in adoption to another family. He learned skills as a craftsman while growing up. Although he was not able to study as much as he would have liked, he still learned to read and enjoyed books that dealt with morality and karma. By 1894 both of his adopted parents had died. Yíguāng began pursuing Daoist cultivation techniques, as he sought to become a transcendent 仙. Before long, however, he encountered Buddhism, which he felt to be superior to his Daoist practices.

Yíguāng was tonsured by Liánbāng 蓮邦 at Diéshí Cliff Hermitage 疊石巖 in Nán'ào County 南澳縣. (Yíguāng was 30 suì 歲 so this likely occurred in 1903 or 1904). Four years later, Yíguāng received full ordination at Guóqīng Temple 國清寺 on Tiāntáishān 天台山 in Zhèjiāng 浙江. After studying and traveling to hear lectures by famous monks, such as Dìxián 諦閑, he returned to Diéshí Cliff in 1908. He accepted the position of abbot of Kāiyuán Temple 開元寺 and set about restoring the physical plants and the reputations of both of those broken down institutions.

Later in life, he became ill and retired to Diéshí Cliff where he practiced niànfó 念佛. He died there on 2/18 Mínguó 民國 19 (1930).

Notable Students



  • Yú Língbō 于凌波, ed. Xiàndài Fójiào rénwù cídiǎn 現代佛教人物辭典 (A Dictionary of Modern Buddhist Persons), 2 vols. Taipei: Foguang, 2004. Pp. 1.593b-594a.
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