Renjian fojiao 人間佛教

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Rénjiān fójiào 人間佛教 (Humanistic Buddhism)

A Singaporean, bilingual Chinese-English Buddhist periodical.

  • Run: 1947–? (at least 6 issues), then changed its name to 佛教人間
  • Location(s): Singapore, Zàngjīng gé 藏經閣
  • Person(s):
  • Associated Organizations:

Monthly. Printed by Nányáng 南洋 Printing. Formerly called Chinese Buddhism 中國佛學. Devoted to promoting humanistic Buddhism. All the articles in this monthly were written by people from either the Sino-Tibetan Institute 漢藏教理院 or the Wuchang Buddhist Seminary 武昌佛學院.



MFQ 205.44

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