Abbreviation for:
Huáng Xiànián 黃夏年, ed. Mínguó fójiào qíkān wénxiàn jíchéng bǔbiān 民國佛教期刊文獻集成.補編 (Supplement to the Complete Collection of Republican-Era Buddhist Periodical Literature), 83 vols. Beijing: Zhōngguó shūdiàn, 2008.
Other Information:
- This is a supplement to the MFQ, which was published two years before this collection.
- The Digital Archives at Dharma Drum Buddhist College has developed and maintains a search tool for the entire collection, which covers both sets.
- The MFQ Guide discusses the structure of this collection, the history of its compilation, and tips on how to use it.
Erik Hammerstrom