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*-----. ''Rufo yitong lun'' 儒佛異同論, vol. 7: 152-169.
*-----. ''Rufo yitong lun'' 儒佛異同論, vol. 7: 152-169.
*Lin Guoliang 林國良. ''Chengweishilun zhijie'' 成唯識論直解. Shanghai: Fudandaxue chubanshe, 2000.
*Lin Guoliang 林國良. ''Chengweishilun zhijie'' 成唯識論直解. Shanghai: Fudandaxue chubanshe, 2000.
*Lü, Cheng 呂瀓. "A Brief Biography of My Teacher Mr. Ouyang 親教師歐陽先生事略." In ''An Anthology of Materials from Chinese Buddhist Thought'' 中國佛教思想資料選編, Ed. by Shi Jun et al, Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju Press, 1983:354-57.
*Lü, Cheng 呂瀓. "Qin jiaoshi Ouyang xiansheng shelüe 親教師歐陽先生事略." In ''Zhongguo fojiao sixiang ziliaoxuan bian'' 中國佛教思想資料選編, Ed. by Shi Jun et al, Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju Press, 1983:354-57.
*Luo Jihe 駱季和. “Jin Han jun Foxue bashi zhi piping yu yanjiu fu ba 錦漢君佛學八識之批評與研究附跋.” ''Xizai zhuankan 息災專刊'', no. 5 (1928): MFQ 134.32-34.
*Luo Jihe 駱季和. “Jin Han jun Foxue bashi zhi piping yu yanjiu fu ba 錦漢君佛學八識之批評與研究附跋.” ''Xizai zhuankan 息災專刊'', no. 5 (1928): MFQ 134.32-34.
*Lusthaus, Dan. ''Buddhist Phenomenology.'' London - New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2002.
*Lusthaus, Dan. ''Buddhist Phenomenology.'' London - New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2002.
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*Nedostup, Rebecca. ''Superstitious Regimes: Religion and the Politics of Chinese Modernity''. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2009.
*Nedostup, Rebecca. ''Superstitious Regimes: Religion and the Politics of Chinese Modernity''. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2009.
*Ouyang Jingwu 歐陽竟無 "Guansuoyuanyuanlun shijie" 觀所緣緣論釋解. In Foxue congbao 11 (1914): 1-29.
*Ouyang Jingwu 歐陽竟無 "Guansuoyuanyuanlun shijie" 觀所緣緣論釋解. In Foxue congbao 11 (1914): 1-29.
*-----." "Gui Bohua's Biography in Jingwu's Poetry and Prose Collection 竟無詩文:桂伯華行述. In ''Collected Writings of Master Ouyang'' 歐陽大師遺集. Taibei: Xinwenfeng, 1976.  
*-----." "Jingwu shiwen: Gui Bohua xingshu 竟無詩文:桂伯華行述. In ''Ouyang dashi yiji'' 歐陽大師遺集. Taibei: Xinwenfeng, 1976.  
*Pollard, David, ed. ''Translation and Creation: Readings of Western Literature in Early Modern China, 1840-1918''. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Co., 1998.
*Pollard, David, ed. ''Translation and Creation: Readings of Western Literature in Early Modern China, 1840-1918''. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Co., 1998.
*Powers, John. ''Hermeneutics and Tradition in the Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra.'' Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1993.
*Powers, John. ''Hermeneutics and Tradition in the Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra.'' Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1993.

Revision as of 05:54, 22 January 2012


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Common Abbreviations

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  • MFQB: Huang Xianian 黃夏年, ed. Minguo fojiao qikan wenxian jicheng bubian 民國佛教期刊文獻集成補編, 86 vols. Beijing: Beijing Tushuguan, 2007.


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