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1920 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
* Traditional Calendar: gēngshēn 庚申, starting on February 19
* [[舊佛歷|Traditional Buddhist Year]]: 2464
* [[佛歷|Current Standard Buddhist Year]]: 1981
* Mínguó 民國 9
* Taishō 大正 9
== Buddhist Events ==
* The most important Buddhist periodical of the Republican period, ''Hǎicháo yīn'' [[海潮音]] begins publication
* The Buddhist Right Faith Society 佛教[[正信會]] is established in Wǔchāng [[武昌]]
* Hànkǒu Huáyán University 漢口[[華嚴大學]] opens
== Political Events ==

Current revision as of 00:44, 19 January 2010

  1. REDIRECT1920s#1920
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