Pinjia da zangjing 頻伽大藏經

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A photocopy reprint of the series was issued in 1998 by 九州圖書出版社.
A photocopy reprint of the series was issued in 1998 by 九州圖書出版社.
== Preface by Zhāng Tàiyán 章太炎 ==
== Digitized Selections ==
大藏經八千餘卷. 譯文始漢終元. 而東方古德著述附焉. 諸經本以般若發端. 今從晚明旭大師所定. 自華嚴始. 則日本弘教書院所印本也. 故書文字參錯. 主以麗藏. 記其異同. 校讐之功備矣. 金山宗仰上人. 向以禪定蟄居退閒. 愍今之沙門喜離文字而談實相. 末流猥雜. 不自墮於啞羊. 則恣意為矯亂論. 聞頻伽舍主久發宏願. 欲鐫大藏. 紹隆一乘. 救茲末世. 遂傾誠讚歎力任總裁. 於是發憤庀工. 重摹是本. 拮据經營. 已閱兩載. 剞劂之業. 聞將告蕆. 其功可謂偉矣. 夫牟尼出世. 人天之師. 次有馬鳴龍猛無著三大士. 窮幽體玄. 發揚勝義. 蕩蕩乎固無得而稱焉. 教戒不可以發智. 故開玄學以導迷. 玄學不可以見心. 故依靜慮以求證. 靜慮不可以接物. 故廣萬法以應機. 或乃次之宗教. 云與基督天方同班. 高者亦云. 徒為倫理. 斯所謂以牛蹏測大海也. 夫佛陀者. 般若者. 譯言智. 瑜伽者. 譯言相應. 本所以趣道者. 為斷爾炎而證真如. 豈真蹩以為仁義哉. 徒以大悲觀佛. 斯已淺矣. 所證者. 無境界可言. 現身者無自依之性. 故云心佛衆生三無差別. 亦云佛常在心中說法. 明以此方老[目冉]之言. 則衣養萬物而不為主. 夫何宗教之封執者乎. 明其無主. 故小乘大乘孰為佛說. 可以無諍也. 明其求證. 故六趣升沈之談. 苦樂酬業之事. 可以勿語也. 余向以三性三無性. 决擇東西玄學. 諸有凝滯. [圭石]然理解. 若夫末世緇衣之林. 窮大失居. 多遠致而違近義. 斯由不習五明. 疏於文史. 其過猶小小耳. 觀今居士長者之流. 始隨陸王. 終委蛇以趣佛乘. 或有此合景教而言博愛大同之趣. 不然傅合眩人. 幻術稱以靈智. 最下者惟言酬報. 情希福田. 語皆非量. 義惟大迷. 此蓋米齋僧佉之所標落. 王輔嗣何平叔之所不言. 況三乘諸大論師乎. 大懼正法之衰. 不在謗佛而在昌言宗教. 轉相隱蔽. 障惑愈深. 則圓音或幾乎息矣. 往者經論不宣. 學者以寡聞為懼. 縮印已成. 流通始廣. 然則密意了義. 佛不自言. 依義依文. 定於此量. 聞熏之土. 其超然自悟於斯.
* The Origin of the Kalaviṇka Hermitage Corrected Edition of the Canon by Luó Jiālíng [[羅迦陵]]: [[頻伽精舍校刊大藏經緣起]]
* Preface by Zhāng Tàiyán [[章太炎]]: [[頻伽精舍校刊大藏經序 章太炎]]
== Notes ==
== Notes ==

Current revision as of 17:26, 6 December 2012

Pínjiā jīngshè jiàokān dà zàngjīng
The Kalaviṇka Hermitage Canon
Also called Pínjiā dà zàngjīng 頻伽大藏經 (The Kalaviṇka Canon)

Contributors: Published by:

Published Editions:
  • Kalaviṇka Hermitage 頻伽精舍, 1909-1913
  • Yǒuzhèng Books 有正書局, 1914?
  • Reprint: 100 Vols. Běijīng 北京: 九州圖書出版社, 1998.
  • Article editor: Erik Hammerstrom

Pínjiā dà zàngjīng 頻伽大藏經 (The Kalaviṇka Canon), also known as Pínjiā jīngshè jiàokān dà zàngjīng 頻伽精舍校刊大藏經 (The Kalaviṇka Hermitage Canon) was the first letterpress edition of the Buddhist canon printed in China.



This canon, in 8,416 volumes, was first published from 1909 to 1913. It was organized by Zōngyǎng 宗仰 with assistance from Zhāng Tàiyán 章太炎. The cost of publication was borne by Liza Roos (Mrs. Silas Hardoon 羅迦陵). It was the first Buddhist canon published in China using relief printing and was relatively inexpensive.[1] It also included extensive punctuation, making it easier to read than most previous canons.[2]

A Kalaviṇka 迦陵頻伽, the name of a mythical Indian bird that lives in the Himālayas and has a beautiful voice.

A photocopy reprint of the series was issued in 1998 by 九州圖書出版社.

Digitized Selections


  1. Yǒuzhèng Books 有正書局 advertised the the set for sale at 140 yuán 元 in 1914. For comparison, a year's subscription to Fóxué cóngbào 佛學叢報 listed in the same catalogue, cost 3 yuán.
  2. 《频伽大藏经》影印出版


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