Shina bukkyo shiko 支那佛教史綱

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  |authors=* Sakaino Satoru [[境野哲]]
  |authors=* Sakaino Satoru [[境野哲]]
* Murakami Senjō 村上專精, contributed preface 序
* Murakami Senjō 村上專精, contributed preface 序
  |editions=* Tokyo 東京: Mori'e shuten 森江書店, Meiji 明志 7 ([[1907]])
  |editions=* Tokyo 東京: Mori'e shuten 森江書店, Meiji 明志 40 ([[1907]])

Revision as of 20:33, 7 May 2011

Shina bukkyōshi kō 支那佛教史綱 (1907)


  • Sakaino Satoru 境野哲
  • Murakami Senjō 村上專精, contributed preface 序
Published Editions:
  • Tokyo 東京: Mori'e shuten 森江書店, Meiji 明志 40 (1907)

Shina bukkyōshi kō 支那佛教史綱 (Outline History of Buddhism in China) was published in Tokyo 東京 in 1907 and written by Sakaino Satoru 境野哲. It was later edited and translated into Chinese by Jiǎng Wéiqiáo 蔣維喬 and published in Shànghǎi 上海 in 1929.



第一章 佛教東傳の期Chapter One: The Era of Buddhism's Transmission to the East
第二章 佛教傳譯の初期Chapter Two: The Early Period of Translating Buddhism's Transmission
第三章 四大翻譯Chapter Three: Four Major Translators
第四章 南地佛教の中心Chapter Four: The Center of Buddhism in the South
第五章 佛教の弘傳と道教Chapter Five: Daoism and the Spread of Buddhism
第六章 隋唐以前の二大系統 (一)Chapter Six: The Two Great pre-Suí-Táng Systems (1)
第七章 隋唐以前の二大系統 (二)Chapter Seven: The Two Great pre-Suí-Táng Systems (2)
第八章 禪の由來Chapter Eight: The Origin of Chán/Zen
第九章 極樂往生と兜率往生Chapter Nine: Rebirth in Sukhāvatī and Rebirth in Tuṣita
第十章 天台宗の起原其の開創Chapter Ten: The Establishment and Origins of Tiāntái/Tendai
第十一章 嘉祥の三論宗Chapter Eleven: The Sānlún School of Jiāxiáng[1]
第十二章 會昌以前の佛教概說Chapter Twelve: General Outline of Buddhism before the Huìchāng Suppression
第十三章 唐の諸宗Chapter Thirteen: The Schools of the Táng
(一) 念佛宗(1) The School of Mindfulness of the Buddha
(二) 法相宗及び華嚴宗(2) The Fǎxiàng/Hosso and Huáyán/Kegon Schools
(三) 律宗(3) The Vinaya School
(四) 禪宗(4) The Chán/Zen School
(五) 密宗(5) The Esoteric School
第十四章 華天の再興唐武周世の破佛Chapter Fourteen: The Revival of Huáyán/Kegon and Tiāntái/Tendai, the Suppression of Buddhism by the Wǔ Zhōu Kingdom
第十五章 宋以後の佛教Chapter Fifteen: Buddhism in the Sòng and Afterward
(一) 概說(1) General Outline
(二) 天台宗山家山外の爭戒律宗の再興(2) The Conflict between the "on the mountain" and "off the mountain" Branches of Tiāntái/Tendai, the Revival of the Vinaya School
(三) 元以後の喇嘛教(3) Lamaism in the Yuán and Afterward
(四) 禪宗(4) The Chán/Zen School
(五) 諸宗融合の傾向(5) The Trend Toward Syncretism of the Schools

Preface by Sakaino


  1. Refers to Jízàng 吉藏 (549–623)


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