Weishi zong 唯識宗

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==Associated Periodicals and Publications==
==Associated Periodicals and Publications==
* '''Nèixué''' [[內學]]
* ''Nèixué'' [[內學]]
* '''Rénjiān jué''' [[人間覺]]
* ''Rénjiān jué'' [[人間覺]]
==Secondary Sources==
==Secondary Sources==

Current revision as of 09:59, 31 December 2010

Wéishì zōng 唯識宗 (Consciousness-Only) is one of China's Major Buddhist Schools.

It has been noted by many scholars that during the Republican Period that Consciousness-Only thought attracted a great deal of interest among Buddhist intellectuals. Lay study groups formed to investigate this mode of thinking, and it was incorporated into the curricula of many of the larger Buddhist Seminaries 佛學院.

Many individuals, institutions, and periodicals were involved in the resurgent (and many would argue unprecedented) popularity of Consciousness-Only, below is a list of the most important of these, along with a list of major secondary studies of Consciousness-Only during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. For a more complete list of primary and secondary sources see the Print bibliography.


Associated Lineage Holders, Teachers, and Scholars

Associated Institutions

Associated Periodicals and Publications

Secondary Sources

  • Aviv, Eyal. "Differentiating the Pearl From the Fish Eye: Ouyang Jingwu (1871-1943) and the Revival of Scholastic Buddhism." Ph.D. Dissertation. Harvard University, 2008.
  • Chen Bing 陳兵 and Deng Zimei 鄧子美. Ershishiji Zhongguo Fojiao 二十世紀中國佛教. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe, 2000.
  • Chen Gongrang 程恭讓. "Ouyang Jingwu xiansheng de shengping, shiye jiqi fojiao sixiang de tezhi 歐陽竟無先生的生平、事業及其佛教思想的特質". Yuanguang Foxue Xuebao, Vol. 4 (Dec. 1999): 141-191.
  • -----. Ouyang Jingwu foxue sixang yanjiu 歐陽竟無佛學思想研究. Taipei: Xinwenfeng, Minguo 89 [2000].
  • Cheng Gongrang 程恭讓. "Fojing pusa xing: Ouyang Jian wannian de jiaofa sixiang tixi 佛境菩薩行: 歐陽漸晚年的教法思想體系." Shijie zongjiao yanjiu 世界宗教研究, Apr. 2001: 18-31.
  • Chin, Sin-wai. Buddhism in Late Ch'ing Political Thought. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1985.
  • Gong Juan 龔雋. "Ouyang Jingwu sixiang zhong de sange lunti 歐陽竟無思想中的三個論題." Zhexue yanjiu 哲學研究, no. 12 (Jan., 1999): 50-58.
  • Hammerstrom, Erik J. “The Expression ‘The Myriad Dharmas are Only Consciousness’ in Early 20th Century Chinese Buddhism.” Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal Vol. 23 (July 2010): 71-92.
  • Huang Gongwei 黃公偉. "Minchu faxiang xuefeng zhaji: Yang Renshan, Zhang Taiyan, Ouyang Jian de weishi lun 民初法相學風札記: 楊仁山, 章太炎, 歐陽漸的唯識論." Huagang foxue xuebao 華岡佛學學報, Vol. 2: 113-123.
  • Ma Tianxiang 麻天祥. Wan Qing foxue yu jindai shehui sichao 晚清佛學與近代社會思潮. Taibei: Wenjin, 1992.
  • Müller, Gotelind. "Buddhismus und Moderne: Ouyang Jingwu, Taixu und das Ringen um ein Zeitgemässes Selbstverständis im chinesichen Buddhismus de frühen 20. Jahrhunderts." Dissert. Munich: Munich University, 1992.
  • Shì Dōngchū 釋東初. Zhōngguó Fójiào jìndài shǐ 中國佛教近代史 (A History of Early Contemporary Chinese Buddhism), in Dōngchū lǎorén quánjí 東初老人全集 (Complete Collection of Old Man Dongchu), vols. 1-2. Taipei: Dongchu, 1974
  • Welch, Holmes. The Buddhist Revival in China. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1968.
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