Jueyin 覺音

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Juéyīn 覺音 (Voice of Awakening)

A Chinese Buddhist periodical.

  • Run: 1939 – October 1941 (32 total issues)

There were two publications under this name:


  • Location: Hong Kong 香港
  • Person: Cíyīn 慈音
  • Associated Organizations: Hong Kong Qingshan Voice of Awakening Society 香港青山覺音社
  • Printed by the Guǎngyǎ 廣雅 company


  • Location: Macau 澳門,
  • Person: Zhúmó 竺摩
  • Associated Organizations: Sānbāzī Merit Society 三巴仔功德林
  • Printed by Jǐnzhāng Books 錦章, Guāngmíng Books 光明書局, Sun Yat-sen Books 中山書局 and various small shops

Monthly, but there were many combined issues. The average length of this periodical was around 20 pages, but there was a good deal of variation. The latter periodical ceased when Zhúmó became ill. It continued, however, as Southern China Voice of Awakening 華南覺音.

Gregory Adam Scott


MFQ 205.38

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