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1925 in the Western calendar is roughly equivalent to:
* Traditional Calendar: yǐchǒu 乙丑, starting on January 24
* [[舊佛歷|Traditional Buddhist Year]]: 2469
* [[佛歷|Current Standard Buddhist Year]]: 1986
* Mínguó 民國 13
* Taishō 大正 13
== Buddhist Events ==
* November 1 - 2: East Asian Buddhist Conference [[東亞佛教大會]] 
* The Minnan Buddhist Seminary [[閩南佛學院]] opens at Nánpǔtuó Temple [[南普陀寺]].
* The ''Fóhuà zhōukān'' [[佛化周刊]] (Buddhist Monthly) begins publication.
* The ''Fóxué yuèbào'' [[佛學月報]] (Buddhism Monthly) begins publication.
* The ''Fóxué yuèkān'' [[佛學月刊]] (Buddhism Monthly) beings publication.
* Dàyǒng [[大勇]] closes the Tibetan Language College [[藏文學院]] and forms many of the students into the Residing-in-Tibet Dharma Studies Group [[留藏學法團]]. They leave for Tibet in the fall.
== Political Events ==
* March 12: Sun (Yat-sen) Zhongshan 孫中山 dies

Current revision as of 00:45, 19 January 2010

  1. REDIRECT1920s#1925
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