Ouyang Jian 歐陽漸

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|name-date=Yáng Wénhuì 楊文會 (1837-1911)
|name-date=Ōuyáng Jiàn 歐陽漸 (1871-1943)
|names=* Courtesy names 字: Jìnghú 鏡湖; Jìngwú 竟無 (after [[1910]])
|names=* Courtesy names 字: Jìnghú 鏡湖; Jìngwú 竟無 (after [[1910]])
* Sometimes referred to as the Great Master of Yihuáng 宜黃大師
* Sometimes referred to as the Great Master of Yihuáng 宜黃大師

Revision as of 01:59, 2 January 2010

Ōuyáng Jiàn 歐陽漸 (1871-1943)
Ōuyáng Jiàn
  • Courtesy names 字: Jìnghú 鏡湖; Jìngwú 竟無 (after 1910)
  • Sometimes referred to as the Great Master of Yihuáng 宜黃大師
  • Born 1871 (Tóngzhì 同治 10) in Yíhuáng county 宜黃縣, Jiāngxī 江西
  • Died 1943 (Mínguó 民國 32)
Notable Associates:
  • Article editor: Gregory Adam Scott

Ōuyáng Jiàn 歐陽漸 (1871-1943)

Ōuyáng was a lay Buddhist teacher and founder of the Chinese Inner Studies Institute 支那內學院.


Ōuyáng studied under Yáng Wénhuì 楊文會 in Nánjīng 南京 at the end of the first decade of the 20th century, and after Yáng's death Ōuyáng continued his teacher's education efforts by founding the Chinese Inner Studies Institute 支那內學院 in 1922. In 1931 he founded the periodicals Inner Studies Monthly 內學 and Inner Studies Magazine 內院雜刊. He was a vocal advocate of Dharmalakṣaṇa and Consciousness-Only philosophy 法相唯識學.

In the 1920s, he and several of his students were involved in debates, primarily with Tàixū 太虛 and his students, over the authenticity of the Mahāyāna Awakening of Faith (See 大乘起信論真偽辯). His side felt it was a Chinese apocryphal text.

In 1937 he fled Nánjīng because of the war and continued his publishing activities in Jiāngjīn 江津, Sìchuān 四川. He died of illness in 1943.

Ōuyáng had two sons, Ōuyáng Gé 歐陽格 (1895-1940) and Ōuyáng Zhāng 歐陽璋 (dates unknown). Gé was commander-in-chief of the Navy of the National Revolutionary Army.

Important Works

  • 瑜伽師地論敘 (1917)
  • "佛法非宗教非哲學而為今時所必需", speech delivered at 南京高師哲學研究會 in 1921
  • 大乘密嚴經敘 (1936)

Notable Students


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