Luohan cai za 羅漢菜雜

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Luóhàn cài zá 羅漢菜雜 (Arhat’s Food Magazine)

A Chinese Buddhist periodical.

  • Run: January 1939 – May 1945 (50 total issues)
  • Location(s): Shànghǎi 上海
  • Person(s): Róng Bǎiyún 榮柏雲
  • Associated Organizations: Triple Medicine Agricultural Production Society 三樂農產社

Irregular. Roughly 16 pages per issue. This periodical was general in nature, and it included simple tales, stories of miraculous response and virtue, medicine, hygiene, psychology. Produced in runs of 8,000, but this increased after issue 24.

MFQ has 35 issues, from 1940.10 to 1944.47



MFQ 205.34

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