Dixian 諦閑

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Dìxián 諦閑 (1858-1932)
  • Style name 號: Gǔxū 古虛
  • Lay name 俗名: Zhū Zhuósān 朱卓三
  • Born 1858 (Xiánfēng 咸豐 8), in Huángyán county 黃巖縣, Zhèjiāng 浙江
  • Died 7/2 1932 (Mínguó 民國 21) at Guānzōng Temple 觀宗寺, Níngbō 寧波
Notable Associates:
  • Article editor: Gregory Adam Scott

Dìxián 諦閑 (1858-1932) was the 43rd patriarch of the Tiāntái 天台 lineage and wrote and lectured widely during his lifetime.


Dìxián was the first principal of the Buddhist Normal School for Monastics 佛教師範僧學校 established in Nánjīng 南京, Jiāngsū 江蘇 in 1910. This was the first modern school for monks in China.

In 1911 he went to Béijīng 北京 to spread the dharma among the elite, and worked to counter the "Build Education with Temple Property" 廟產興學 movement and teach young novices.

In 1919 he established the Guanzong School 觀宗學舍 and the Guanzong Research Society 觀宗研究社 at the Guānzōng Temple 觀宗寺 in Níngbō.

He died on 7/2 of 1932, passing control of the Guānzōng Temple to Bǎojìng 寶靜.

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Notable Students


  • Shì Dōngchū 釋東初. Zhōngguó Fójiào jìndài shǐ 中國佛教近代史 (A History of Early Contemporary Chinese Buddhism), in Dōngchū lǎorén quánjí 東初老人全集 (Complete Collection of Old Man Dongchu), vols. 1-2. Taipei: Dongchu, 1974 Pp. 2.757-761.
  • Yú Língbō 于凌波, ed. Xiàndài Fójiào rénwù cídiǎn 現代佛教人物辭典 (A Dictionary of Modern Buddhist Persons), 2 vols. Taipei: Foguang, 2004. Pp. 2.1621a-1624b.
  • http://www.budaedu.org/doctrin/t15.php
  • http://baike.baidu.com/view/320903.htm
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